It Was Worth It

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Dare sonic go play Emily wants to play
Shadow to slap silver very 2 minutes for 10 dares
And sonic again go outside and yell 'IN THIS WORLD ITS KILL OR BE KILLED'
I dare sonic act like a over protective mother to shadow and silver for 10 chapter
I dare shadow to touched silver
And for silver I dare you to watch a horror movie the autor can decided what horror movie silver should watch.

Shadow: Okay.

Sonic: Well it WILL BE WORTH IT. *holds megaphone* *goes outside*

Silver: First horror game, then a horror movie?! I told you I don't want to play horror games or watch movies like scary! Except for FNAF, and one awesome thriller movie we watched. (-,  -)

Shadow: (-_-) Then don't play or watch it.

Silver: (^^;) Hehe right. I'm backing out if this! There! *flops on bean bag* *eats Nutella*

Shadow: *shakes head*

###Outside da room###

Sonic: *in the middle of Station Square* *sets up megaphone*

Civilian #1: Hey, isn't that Sonic?

Civilian #2: Yeah you're right. Isn't he supposed to stop Dr. Eggman from plotting something evil?

Sonic: Well my fellow civilians it's just a matter of give and take, he's busy so I'm a free roaming hedgehog.

Random kid: What are you going to do mister?

Sonic: *smiles wickedly* Just gotta do what I've got dared to do.

Random kid: (0.0) What?

Sonic: *puts megaphone near him* *clears throat* Listen up everybody! I've got something to tell!

Civilians: *looks at him* What is he doing here?

Camera: *hiding in da bushes* This can't be good.

Sonic: In this world we only have one rule! In this world (His World! Lol) ITS KILL OR BE KILLED!!! *raises shot gun* *insanely shoots everywhere* Muahahahaha!

Civilian #3: Ah! Sonic's became a killer!

Civilian #4: Told ya he'd do that someday, you give me that ten rings.

Civilian #5: (-_-) Fine. *gives him*

Civilian #2: Could this day get any worse?!

Civilian #6: Pal do not say that!

Sonic: *runs around like a maniac* *starts shooting* Kill or be killed!!!

###Back to Shadow###

Shadow: *pokes Silver repeatedly*

Silver: What in Iblis are you doing?!

Shadow: *shrugs* Dare?

Silver: Do that some other time I'm sleeping.

Shadow: *hears gunshots outside* Did you hear that?

Silver: Hear what?

Shadow: *slaps him unexpectedly* The sound of you being Naive and all. Also I think Sonic's following the footsteps of my hedgehog race. *wears shades*

Silver: *touches hurt cheek* *glares* M-meanhog.

Shadow: What was that?

Silver: N-nothing! *crosses arms*

Shadow: That's what I thought.

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