Sonic: Pretty ladies *gets hit by a book*

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Okay so uhh i did some editing here so dont be confused if this ws published the second time around

XxFlameTheHedgehogxX :
To Shadow: What do you think of my of Luna? She's a princess from the underworld, but she's very kind and sweet, and gets angry sometimes

To Sonic: What do you think of my of Flame? She's a princess from a planet called Ignado. She sweet and caring, but has slight anger issues sometimes ^-^'

Me: welp I dare you guys to hang out with Infinite and the Custom hero I think his name was gadget
Spark: I dare Silver to watch lights out with me and Venice
Rachel: *shrugs* Shadow I dare you to chase sonic with a chainsaw while I'll be recording it

Shadow: Luna, Luna...wait I've heard of this name before. Wasn't she the one who came from the Christmas party last year?

Sonic: Flame is too...with another though I forgot

Shadow: Well...the admin showed us the their images and told us about the question...and they surely made some changes about themselves

Sonic: Both of them look pretty

Silver: Sonic you're being flirty

Sonic: Can I just say that's a compliment okay? They're both pretty. Not to mention they have er...anger issues

Shadow: My first impression on them is that they weren't meant to harm. They have calm auras and there's nothing unusual about them

Sonic: They're decent people and yeah

Silver: You're gonna say pretty again, aren't you?

Sonic: Kinda? But they might be really nice people if we get to know them :3

Silver: Okay now it's dare time...whoa Gadget and Infinite will be here

Sonic: Oh...Mr. Cube guy. Hey Shadow, how come you aren't under Infinite's control right now?

Shadow: Um...that's a secret

Both: Hmm...

Shadow: *coughs* Anyway...the two should be here by now...

Silver: Are you certain you aren't under his control, probably scheming to capture us and send us to your hidden evil base?

Shadow: *chuckles nervously* No I wouldn't be. Why would I do that? Besides, the other day Eggman was just here

Sonic: Oh really?

Gadget: Hey this the hedgehog's residence? (Is that really his name?)

Sonic: Hey Gads! Nice seeing ya!

Silver: Yo!

Shadow: ...

Gadget: Erm...I thought he was under Infinite's control?

Shadow: *coughs* Nope

Infinite: I would be able to obliterate this place if it wouldn't for that mysterious man placing some nullified handcuffs onto me ugh... Oh Shadow.

Shadow: o-e um...

Silver: *whispers* Awkward... Whelp...I'm going for a bother movie marathon. Who's with me?

Spark: I am! *pulls Venice beside her*

Venice: *groans*

Spark: And him too! *raises his hand*

Venice: *just groans*

Sonic: How the dog did you get in here

Spark: *smirks mischievously* Secrets aren't meant to be spread out

Venice: She have tele–

Spark: *punches his side*

Venice: Ow!

Spark: *smiles innocently at Silver* Come ooon~!

Silver: Help me get this woman off me!

Spark: Psh, you and Venice are like the same

Venice: *groans* Because I'm basically a prototype of him. Dummy.

Spark: Whaddya say?

Venice: *mumbles a bit* Nothing

Spark: We'll be going guys! Let's watch Lights Out!

Silver: I-is that a horror film? ;-;

Venice: Are you scared?

Silver: Stop teasing me *sticks out tongue*

Venice: Whatever

Sonic: You sound like the depressed version of Silver

Venice: I don't care

Silver: Help!

Spark: BYE! *teleports themselves away*

Rachel: Yo guys

Shadow: ....

Rachel: *throws him a chainsaw*

Shadow: *caught it*

Rachel: Go and chase around Sonic. *lifts up camera* I'll just be watching ya

Sonic: Hey Shad–

Shadow: Well for you to make up with me *starts chainsaw* You'll have to go through me

Sonic: Holy moly BYEEEE ! *runs away*

Shadow: *chases him*

Rachel: *chases them while recording it* Hehe Shad and Sony

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