Whoopey doop

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I dare Sonic to kiss Amy and if you break her heart, I'll break your face!

Hmm. Let's see I dare Silver to dress like Amy then chase Sonic EVERYWHERE for 1 hour
And I dare Shadow to let me pet him like a cat and I won't stop until I make him purr hehe XD

Sonic: I don't see why people have me to dare on kissi–

Some random shipper: Let the ship flow blue boy!

Shadow: How did they get here?

Silver: I guess ships makes anything real

Amy: *poofs outta nowhere* Okay, who keeps on getting me in this room? Hi Sonic!

Sonic: Well uh, hi

Amy: You three still doing this...?

Sonic: We have to until we finish our 200 days (chapter) contract then we will be free

Shadow: Or else the admin would give a very worse and likely punishment on us

Silver: We saw them do that to people T^T I don't wanna experience that

Amy: So uh...another kiss thing?

Sonic: Yeah haha hehe... *bites lip*

Amy: Erm, that could be fine *thought: I don't know this might be another one of his bailing plans but that kiss! Ugh!*

Sonic: Err...this will be just a DARE kiss alright?

Amy: U-um sure!

Sonic: *gives her a kiss on the cheek*

Amy: *secretly liking it* T-thanks...that you didn't bail out on this one

Sonic: ... Okay

Shadow: Awkward...

Amy: I think I'll go now *goes out*

Silver: -~-; *holds Amy's dress* This is...humiliating

Shadow: *shrugs*

Sonic: Ehh...

Silver: *wears the dress* Gotta get my act together. *inhale, exhale* *looks at Sonic*

Sonic: ???

Silver: SONIC! *chases him*

Sonic: Augh! * stumbles a little but then runs away*

Davia: Lemme pet you!

Shadow: ō-ō no!

Davia: I will let you then! I will let you nonstop until you make a purring sound!

Shadow: Nevah! *runs around*

Davia: *chases him too*

After several minutes

Davia: *holds Shadow down victoriously*

Shadow: *annoyed af* Grrr

Davia: That isn't a purring sound! *starts petting him* This will be!

Shadow: *can't resist* *purrs*

Davia: There we go!

Shadow: Dammit

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