Torturing Amy Rose

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I dare Sonic to push amy off a clif. and i dare myself t be at the end with a chainsaw

Amy: Why do people hate me so much?

Silver: I don't know, to their eyes you seem to be a lot clingy to Sonic, and all you care is Sonic for a bunch of times.

Amy: Is that what you all think of me?

Chip: Not actually. You seem to be pretty nice, also you are also really protective and caring for your friends and everyone.

Sonic: Not to mention sweet in her very own way,

Amy: Stop with all that complimenting and just push me off the cliff while I get to be brutally killed.

Sonic: Just to say this sorry for doing this but a dare's a dare.

Shadow: I'll prepare your burial Amy Rose.

Amy: -.-" *goes to the same cliff where Shadow jumped*

Sonic: Sorry Ames. *pushes her off with his hands*

Amy: Ahh! *falls off*

Scorcher: *at the end* *waving a chainsaw like a maniac*

Amy: -3-" *falls to her*

Scorcher: *kills her off with chainsaw, blood spilling everywhere* MUAHAHAHAHA!!! You're dead!

Silver: 0-0!!!

Chip: A-am... I s-supposed to see t-this?!

Sonic: *bites lip* *backs away*

Shadow: Eh...

Silver: Umm....

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