Rating is boring!

129 7 11

I dare sonic shadow and silver to reach my top 12 Mario and sonic couples
(Imma just put the pic here cause too lazy to type it)

@JohnathenYoungs:I dare sonic shadow and silver to reach my top 12 Mario and sonic couples(Imma just put the pic here cause too lazy to type it)

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Since someone nominated Mario...
I dare the three hedgehogs to play Mario Kart Black (if you don't know the game search it from internet)

Sonic: I don't wanna rate anymore!

Silver: What's with you whining today?

Shadow: He's just being a sissy.

Sonic: *flops* I wanna just DO something!

Shadow: There is always room for you in the pool.

Sonic: I don't like pools! Or water!

Silver: *sighs* Fine. You go set up the game, we'll be on here.

Sonic: Really?! :D

Shadow: (¬_¬) Yes faker, now go before we change our mind.

Sonic: *goes set up da game*

Shadow: I rate 2 for no. 12, 1 for 11, 6 for 10, 1 for 9 because that wouldn't likely to happen, 8 for 8, wtf you ship me with Maria?!

Silver: Hehe, you just realized that right now?

Shadow: -_- I told you she's just my BEST FRIEND.

Silver: Please continue.

Shadow: *rolls eyes* 5 for 7, *looks at Silver*

Silver: What?

Shadow: *smirks* You'll just see what I'm smirking in 6. 9 for 6, 1 for 5, 5 for 5, 6 for 4... Seriously SonAmy?!

Silver: Whoa, don't be harsh, you already got shipped with Maria.

Shadow: *facepalms* Stop saying her name or I'll blow you up in space along with what I did to the comet last time.

Silver: Whatever.

Shadow: And since Faker wouldn't tell his true feelings... 7 for 3. Wtf you just tortured poor Cream by shipping her with a villain's son.... Why, she's such an innocent little child!

Silver: Go over to Sonic I'm gonna rate.

Shadow: *goes out* Cream is INNOCENT!

Silver: Well then, mostly some characters here aren't familiar with me so deal with what I got in store for them. *clears throat*

Silver: 2 for 12, 3 for 11, 3 for 10 because I don't really know who Cosmo is... O-o what is this shipping? Quadshipping? Well okay, uhh 5 for 9? 5 for 8. I respect Shadow's thoughts about this, 4 for 7. Ouo Wow I didn't know you ship me with her.

Random person: Your dreams came truuuuueeee!

Silver: 9 for 6! 3 for 5 who the heck is birdo? 4 for 4, 5 for 3, ooh SonAmy. 8 for 2 :3... Okay why is Cream with Junior Bowser? I'm just gonna go with 3 for 1... *backs away slowly* *follows Sonic & Shadow*

###At the game room###

Sonic: I told you I don't like to rate ships! Do you even think I like ships?!

Shadow: And?

Sonic: I told you I don't like ships! When you ride on them then you across the water! And if someone pushed you from the railings, you'll drop to the water and drown!

Silver: What kind of ships are you talking about?

Sonic: Those sailing ships like Titanic!

Shadow: Well... Let's just start playing.

Silver: Agreed.

Sonic: *begins game*

Trio hedgehogs: *plays game*

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