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Wow they turned crazy XD but I prefer King Bach his really funny,and I dare the three of you to give a hug to the most cutest rabbit ever,vivi the lucky rabbit(if you want to know who she is I'll tag what she looks lik)
XD ok then I dare sonic to drass up as chat noir for the next 4 dare's

Sonic: :D

Shadow: -_- I am calling quits right now


Shadow: No you idiot. Faker only gets to wear his "pawsome" suit up for the next four dares

Sonic: ._. Shadow you just made a Chat pun

Shadow: What?

Silver: *le gasp* YOU JUST DID!

Shadow: -_-

Sonic: Imma go and change into mah chat noir suit ;) Bye folks *runs out to get suit*

Shadow: You really should hurry. We got some "hugging" to do

Caliber: Are you all seriously like this? Answering and doing those questions and daring challenges from folks for entertainment?

Shadow: Specifically, I was dragged into this

Caliber: That is not quiet good. It must've felt bad?

Shadow: Yes! Finally someone who knows me!

Silver: :3 Where's Chip?

Chip: I am right here! I wasn't able to speak because of the author keep forgetting me -.-

Caliber: What?

Sonic: I am baaaaaccck! *runs in* *does Fab pose*

Shadow & Caliber: -.- , 0.0

Silver & Chip: Woohoo yeah! We love chu Chat Noir! *throws marashmallows in the air*

Sonic: *bows* Thank you, thank you! *winks*

Shadow: -3- I am seriously trapped

Silver: Who's Ladybug?

Sonic: Um... What?!

Chip: You are supposed to have someone as Ladybug! *eyes fangirls* And a female one.

Shadow: *gets what he is saying* Nope nope. I am not going Ladybug for you to have FanFictions about *backs away*

Sonic: -.-"

Silver: Hey! D: We still forgot something!

Sonic: Oh right! Shadow the Hedgehog come back here to hug someone!

Shadow: Ok then

Trio hedgehogs: Hug! (Shadow didn't say this) *hugs Vivi*

Vivi: Thank you! ^^

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