Not taken lightly

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Just a question (cause I don't really have an idea for a dare) Silver what do you think of shadow and sonic, you to SAY THE TRUTH just let your feelings out, also Sonic who is the most COWARD you or Shadow?

I dare Sonic to do a singing duet with Shadow. That have to sing night core no air by jordan sparks

Silver: If I'm being honest right now, I'm kind of nervous of what I will be telling you all, and also the reactions of the two here. Well, for Sonic he is actually cool behind this very screen you are seeing. He is sometimes a goof and would often make a ruckus but he is a good person.

Sonic: Aww

Silver: But sometimes, we have a bit of misunderstandings and the worst case scenario would be us fighting on the road, me throwing things at him and him kicking them back to me.

Sonic: That one time wasn't really the best day

Silver: As for Shadow, we talk quiet a lot when he had time and the two of us have a lot in common. Of course our intentions are a lot different in perspective. But I still get confused between him and Mephiles. They look a lot like each other

Shadow: Yeah, and I don't understand why that anomaly would ever take my form

Silver: I've got to admit, sometimes Shadow is a bit...unnerving and whenever he was moody or pissed at something... I get nervous

Shadow: Thanks for the elaboration Silver at least we know now

Sonic: Now the second question...jokes aside and let's get serious. I can't really say who's the coward between me and Shadow. We have different perspective on things and what we think we do is right, seems wrong and unjust to others. For example, I'm really keen on taking down Dr. Eggman to prevent the world being conquered, but Shadow would step out of the way and would necessarily help me necessarily.

Shadow: Well that is because he is the remaining blood relative I have from Maria and Dr. Gerald, also Commander Towers for that fact. But that isn't cowardice. I chose not to become coward just for the sake of saving the world. I'm not as keen as you in stopping the doctor, because you fear something

Sonic: It isn't fear. It's justice, justice served for everyone that he had suffered over and over. I'm reluctant for justice, what about you? *glares*

Shadow: *glares back*

Silver: *gets between them* Calm down you guys! It was a question to take lightly. No time to banter!

Shadow: This is pathetic. We are really putting ourselves into this

Sonic: Well then...we don't know which one is the coward

Silver: *whispers* Unless you two got angry with each other and throw each other off

Sonic: *back to optimistic mood* Now let's get the next dare coming!

Shadow: Singing duet..? With Faker? Really?

Sonic: We've done it a couple of times even Silver

Shadow: This better be the last of those duets this year. I don't want to receive them this year *grumbles*

Silver: Ok! Here are the lyrics! *gives sheet to them*

Sonic & Shadow: *looks at it*

Sonic: We are just going to sing the first four ref then the Chorus only

Shadow: Got it, I don't want to sing the whole song

Silver: You got listen to the song itself before singing it

Shadow: Well then, excuse us

---Some time later (I hate time skips it makes me lazy :p)---

Sonic: Ok so I'll take Jordin's line, yours is Chris' then we're both in the chorus

Shadow: Sure

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air

If I should die before I wake
It's 'cause you took my breath away
Losing you is like living in a world with no air

I'm here alone, didn't wanna leave
My heart won't move, it's incomplete
Wish there was a way that I can make you understand

But how do you expect me
to live alone with just me
'Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
It's no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gonna be without me
If you ain't here, I just can't breathe
It's no air, no air

No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air

Silver: You two actually have very good singing voices

Sonic: It's just one of my charms *winks* Right ladies?

Shadow: Sonic's talking to himself again

Sonic: Can't I make my own decisions

Shadow: And he is at it again

Sonic: -3-

Silver: That escalated quickly

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