Meant to be Black

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Since shadow whant's to be a scaredy "cat" <--(pun in tended) so I dare silver to be Ladybug =3
Hey hey I'm back with dares as usual
Dare sonic to sing 'meant to be your' to shadow
And silver dye his fur black(lol)
Chip just be awesome
And sonic to be a Yandere for like 5 chapters

Silver: -_-# Do I have to?

Sonic: Yeah, Shadow is being a scaredy cat just like what the commenter said

Shadow: o-e

Silver: Just only in this chapter! *stomps off and wears Ladybug suit*

Sonic: *clears throat* I am meant to be yours!~ Meant to be by your side~ *comes closer to Shadow* Always beside you wherever you go!

Shadow: *slaps his mouth* Your singing has gone overboard Faker

Sonic: *muffled singing*

Shadow: -3- That Chat Noir suit of yours is boosting your ego

Sonic: -x-;

Silver: -3- I'm back..... I regret saying I liked Ladybug -3-;;

Chip: I'm awesome! :3

Caliber: *sighs* You left another dare Silver

Silver: What now?

Caliber: You have to dye your fur into a blackish color

Silver: ;^; Why me?! I don't wanna be as black and edgy as that guy! *points to Shadow*

Shadow: *lets go of Sonic* Who you calling edgy?! ÒnÓ

Silver: You are!

Sonic: -3- Just dye yourself black

Silver: ;3; I hate you all *goes dye himself black*

###A little while later###

Silver: *comes back in black*

Sonic: *does that gun pose thingy* Pretty cool in black

Shadow: Eh kinda look like that Dark Silver self of yours

Sonic: Missing the green eyes

Silver: -3- Does that even have make me feel better?

Shadow: I guess...?

Silver: How long will I be able in this...?

Sonic: Approximately, a dye lasts about two days or so

Silver: Two days?! Or So?!

Sonic: Exactly

Silver: ;3; My chest fur is even blacker than Shadow's

Shadow: I didn't have anything to do with it

Silver: *makes crying noises*

Shadow: -_-

Silver: *wails and runs around*

Shadow: -__-

Sonic: I noticed.... Silver's a black Ladybug :3

Silver: *explodes*

Caliber & Chip: O_O O3O;;

Sonic & Shadow: OuO -n-

Sonic: He is meant to be black~

Shadow: *punches his face*

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