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H-hey S-s-sonic... C-can I have a h-hug? ... Oh right....
-Aloud- P-pleeeeeEeeeeeeaaaaaassseeeeee!!!!!

D. Sonic: You don't have to pressure it too hard sweetly. Just ask for it or dare for it so you can get it. *smirks*

Shadow: Do it already.

D. Sonic: Jealous?

Shadow: Not.

D. Sonic: *pulls Oriena in a hug* *very tight* There. How is it?

Oriena: A bit tight but a bit warm.

D. Sonic: *pulls away* That's what I thought it would be. Cause you want me to get beat up bad?

Oriena: N-no..

Silver: You're scaring her, Sonic.

D. Sonic: I'm not goody-two shoes Sonic the greathog over here.
(Sonic: Hey!)

Shadow: *sighs*

Extra scene:

D. Sonic: Grrr...

Silver: Um... What's the hold up?

D. Sonic: Be lucky. My time ran out and you're having goody-two shoes back now.

Shadow: That's GREAT news. *rolls eyes*

D. Sonic: You will expect the last of me. I will come back and rip your insides open. *shakes* Well it's time. I had fun playing with the two of you anyway.

Silver: Just leave already.

D. Sonic: You little-- Fine. Good bye yet. *disappears*

Shadow: *goes over* Sonic?

Silver: Is he conscious?

Sonic: *stirs* Wha?... What, happened?

Chip: Sonic's back! Yipee! *hugs him*

Sonic: *hugs back* I missed you too Chip.

Silver: So. How're you feeling?

Shadow: Better than ever?

Sonic: You guessed it! Well, my head's a bit hard on me but I'm fine.

Silver: We'll be sure he won't come back anytime soon.

Sonic: Yeah. He was pretty, scary.

Shadow: Welcome back. We didn't throw a party because you immediately got here fast enough.

Sonic: Time flies fast. Like me.

Shadow: . . .

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