Science talk and again...GAYS

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I dare sonic to try and fuse with shadow and silver

I got le dare for Eclipse and Fleetway and they are my most favortite villains ! I dare you two to go out to center town and yell " I'M GAY WITH FLEETWAY/ECLIPSE !! " while i go and flim the whole thing

Sonic: Should this be easy or what?

Shadow: I never tried fusing with these two idiots before

Sonic: Hey we're still here

Silver: ... What is a 'fusion'?

Sonic: Oh so innocent Silver. Come here and lemme give u a brief statement of what fusion is. Fusion is when you use two fusion monsters as fusion materials then you use polymerization to fusion summon a monster that have the highest level(???)

Silver: Oh...wait fusion monsters?

Shadow: *facepalms* Sonic stop, you're watching too much Yu-Gi-Oh now scram

Sonic: What? But I defined that perfectly just fine

Shadow: Just...let me explain that to Silver

Sonic: Hmph, fine

Shadow: Silver. Fusion is when you combine to things from different genetials to create or make a new species or new thing out of those two genetials

Silver: . . . ? Um...whaaaa?

Shadow: -.- it's when you combine two or more things to create something bigger and different

Silver: Dragon Ball Z? :3 Like when Goku infused with Vegeta? :3333

Shadow: I swear to Chaos I want to throw your laptops right now. And it's INFUSION not FUSION uggghhhh

Sonic: Why u no like anime

Shadow: -3-;;

Silver: Let's get on with the dare...we're going off topic

Sonic & Shadow: Okay

Shadow: We might need the chaos emeralds to fuse with each other

Sonic: Alright hold on a sec...Imma call Knux *dials his number*

Silver: Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Knuckles doesn't have a phone or what?

Sonic: Hello Knuckles mah man?

Knuckles: Yo Sonic how's it goin bud? Lemme guess...emerald problem? I told you dude there is nothing to worry about

Sonic: Um because you see...we need to borrow those seven chaos emeralds to do some world saving again

Knuckles: I see no threat from up here


Knuckles: Alright fine! No need to use Capslock for that

Sonic: Okay *hungs up*

Silver: Yes we just ignored that fact

Shadow: - -;; Where are the emeralds

Sonic: Ok they are here! :3

Silver: So we gotta do is absorbed up all our energy within ourselves and combine them win the power of the emeralds know, fuse?

Sonic: *shrugs* Guess so

Shadow: -.-;; I don't know where this would all come from but okay

All three: *does the thing where they turn super* *weird light ball thingy merges them to become one*

SonShadSilv (or SonAdIlver? Nah I don't like ships that much): ...

Eclipse: What...what...what happened to the three of you

SonShadSilv: We um...fused with each other?

Fleetway: Is it me or Thai feels like Steven Universe?

Everyone: ...

Fleetway: Hey I need to watch something over the Internet while doing nothing -3-#

Steven: A giant hedgehog *eyes sparkles*

Everyone: Not this again

SonShadSilv: This feels weird...the three of us fused with each other. I feel like a different person

SonShadSilv: ...


SonShadSilv: *jumps out da window to do weird things o.O*

Eclipse: ... I don't want to do the dare

Fleetway: Aw... Why? You don't want to date good ol' Fleety?~

Eclipse: *cringes* I'd rather be dead from space than be win the likes of you

Fleetway: Meanie

Shipper: I call FleetClipse! :3

Eclipse: *kills shipper*

Fleetway: Come on I don't have all day I have a whole lot of list of destroying

Eclipse: Says the one who watches Steven Universe who don't do anything

Fleetway: Says the one who is an alien offspring

Eclipse: Says the one who is just a crazed version of Sonic the Hedgehog or evenly more called "fake"

Fleetway: Grr...honey you just made the last straw

Eclipse: Oh did I?

Both: *fights each other*

Editor: Imma just...send them to center town *sends them to center town*

Both: *still fighting*

Eclipse: Well guess what?! I'm gonna end this thing now! I AM GAY WITH FLEETWAY

Fleetway: You do better than that?! I AM GAY WITH ECLIPSE

Both: Wait... *blush*

SonShadSilv: Wtf just happened

Zombie Shipper: Ships just sailed by

SonShadSilv: o.O Can I turn back to normal now?

Editor: Hm... I think so

SonShadSilv: *poofs*

Sonic, Shadow, Silver: *falls on ground hits their back/butt/belly*

Sonic: Aye!

Shadow: Ah!

Silver: Ow ;-; mah poor belly

Fleetway: this Sh.t I'm out *flies off*

Shadow: *looks at Eclipse*

Eclipse: *looks back*

Shadow: I'm so disappointed in you brother

Eclipse: Well, you too *teleports away*

Sonic: It runs in the family

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