Um. Silver the black hedgehog?

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Question for all 3: Who has the most fangirls
Silver. I dare you to dye your fur black
Question for Shadow: Where did you get the best pair of shoes I have ever in my whole life

Rachel: I hate you Sonic, so I dare Silver and Shadow to strap Sonic to a chair while he watch a Video about chilidogs are made of Flickys *Teleports away while laughing*
Me: Maybe I should enlighten her day, could someone call Eclipse and tell him to make out with Rachel for 35 minutes and it's a Date
Kaizer: Silver I dare you to dance with me and Bendy but don't hurt him this time or I'll burn you
Spark: call Fleetway and dare him to Kiss Demonic for 2 minutes

Sonic: To answer the first question, I have the MOST fangirls around here. Of course, no one can resist the sexiness of Sonic d' Hedgehog, amirite ladies?~ *winks*

Silver: Psh yeah right, when you die surely. Of course, no one can resist my fluffiness and my charming skills on the ladies~

Fangirls: SONIC

Other fangirls: SILVER


Other fangirls: SILVER SILVER

Shadow: *rolls eyes* You imbeciles, Sonic you're just 15 and Silver your still younger

Sonic: You're just jealous

Silver: Yah

Shadow: *sighs* Stupid. *opens window*

A million worth of fangirls: SHADOW WAAAAHHHHH AAAHHHH !!!!

Shadow: *quickly closes windows* I hate fanservices

Shadow: two?

Sonic & Silver: *is crying on the ground* Shadow have a lot of fangirls than us! Why?! ;^; TwT

Shadow: - ,-;; I don't even like to get run over by a bunch of...girls

Silver: That's the fangirl pit of doom for ya

Sonic: Well, let's just accept that Shadow has the most of the fangirls

Shadow: I don't want any of them. You can take them if you like...I just don't want to see them

Sonic: Aww Shadow's a tsundere, your denying the fact that you like to have fans especially the ladies

Shadow: Idiots

Silver: Why do you want to dye my fur quills black? It looks fine!

Sonic: Idk maybe they just want to see you black for some reason

Shadow: There's black hair dye downstairs in the cabinet. I know it can only last a day but you'll manage

Silver: Where did you even get them

Shadow: Rouge bought them...supposedly for me cuz she claimed my quills are turning grey, like a grandpa

Silver: I am not a grandpa!

Shadow: Yeah, sure...

Sonic: Just get going Silver, geez

Silver: TwT *goes out*

Shadow: You even asked me where I get my jet shoes...they're specifically made by professor Gerald for me... *raises brows* I thought you already knew this information

Sonic: Where Silver's boots came from we have no idea

Shadow: But yes, thank you for complimenting my unique shoes that makes me much faster than faker *smirks*

Sonic: *pouts*

Silver: Um...

Sonic: o.O

Shadow: ...

Silver: -.- *is all black*

Sonic: *goes to him* *observes him* Shadow... I think I found your long lost son

Shadow: *teleports* *bish slaps him*

Sonic: KO!

Silver: -w-;;

Shadow: Let's just strap him on a chair and let him watch flickys

Silver: Uh...okay

Both: *straps him to chair*

Sonic: *wakes up* What the what happened to me? And why am I strapped to a chair...again

Shadow: A certain someone who you angered had a revenge on you so she dared you to do this...if so you have heard

Sonic: W-what?

Silver: I'm gonna go and do a dare so...good luck *goes out*

Shadow: *goes out*

Tv: And here we will show you that chilidogs are made out of FLICKYS!

Sonic: W-what?! Hey! Don't let me in here!

Silver: You think he'll survive?

Shadow: Yeah just let him be

Silver: So... Do I really have to invite some inky guy along with someone? with them?

Kaizer: *pops outta nowhere* YES

Silver: Holy *beep* on a *beeeep* sandwich sprinkled with *beep*

Kaizer: That...was long

Bendy: Who wants to dance with the iNk DeMon!

Kaizer: Moi!

Silver: Not moi!

Kaizer: Come one man! Face your fears!

Shadow: Yeah just face it. While you do that I'm going to be just eating some popcorn in the corner and watch the two of you do whatever you're doing *does that*

Sonic: *still watching the Flicky Show* *barfs* Eeewww! My eyes are scarred for life!

Kaizer, Bendy & Silver: *dances to Build Our Machine*

Silver: The sing isn't half bad...JUST THE SONG ALRIGHT?!

Bendy: Geez whatever you are afraid from?

Silver: These stuff *shows horror games* Brrr

Kaizer: Well dancing with him is fun right?

Bendy: Wanna see my Ink Machine?

Silver: thanks

Bendy: How about Bacon Soup? They're delicious

Silver: They're expired since 1987. I don't want to die of INK poison

Kaizer: Did you just...made a BATIM pun?

Bendy: Ooh! I like written puns!

Shadow: -3- this is now what I was expecting. Where's Sonic?

Sonic: *finished watching* .... So all my life... Chilidogs are a lie?!

Yay I updated again! This ask dare thing reached a pretty great standard and that's thanks to you all! Also me! Well then...yay to all of us!

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