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I'm back for some dares!
First: I dare Sonic to sing What's What I like by Bruno Mars

Second: I dare Shadow to sing 7 years by Lukas Graham (sad song ;-;)
Third: I dare Silver to sing Happy by Pharell Williams
Fourth: Chip, if you want I'll strokes you :333

I finish! Bye bye *runs away*
I got a dare for Shadow and Sonic ! I dare Shadow to flirt Sonic until he feel disgust
And Sonic to wear a neko maid outfit !

Sonic: ;-; This shall be the death of me

Shadow: So Sonic~ A girl like you should dress up nicely

Sonic: I am dressed up nicely. What's wrong with wearing top tanks and pants? And... .////. I hate you sooo much admin

Silver: Time to wear something girly and embarrassing Iblis!

Sonic: Can we just skip the wearing-the-neko-maid-outfit-and-just-give-Sonic-some-chilidogs? That will be a better idea

Silver: Weeeaaarrr! *forces him to wear*

-.-.-A few struggling minutes later-.-.-

Silver: *tries not to laugh to hard*

Shadow: Ooh~ you're turning me on baby~

Sonic: -_-#

DarkRose002: *strokes Chip*

Chip: *is being a stroked like a cute puppy aww*

DarkRose002: *can't contain happiness* Aww!

Sonic: How am I supposed to sing Bruno Mars' song if...admin hadn't hand us out any lyrics?

Shadow: I know 7 years from that Pharell guy you're talking about...sad song?

Silver: I'm so happy!~ clap along, if you feel that happiness is the truth~

Sonic: lol those are the only lines Silver knows whenever he is singing

Silver: ò3ó At least I sing it, unlike you who do not know the lyrics of the song You were assigned to *cross arms*

Shadow: Sonic be sassy! Where is that quick witted tongue of yours?! Where is that woman I love?!

Sonic: I'm merely a true man who's cursed to be the one you love for ten chapters and being a woman for three more...I'm enduring it the best as I can!

Shadow: Lies!

Caliber: .__. This got random

Silver: I'll fish out lyrics out of the book as long as the network is on. And I'm gonna sing that as long as I'm happy

Shadow: Now..can I sing and dedicate this song to my love?

Silver: As you wish

Sonic: Seriously! Is anybody not gonna rant about "the turning Sonic into a girl" and ban that establishment forever?

Chip: Is it me or is Sonic being a sass here?

Sonic: ...

Shadow: Well then~ *clears throat* *winks at Sonic*

Sonic: *walks back slowly to the door*

Shadow: Once I was seven years old, my mama told me, "go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely." Once I was seven years old~

Sonic: Well, for the seven year old part you were not likely seven before...also you have a creator not a mama

Silver: Shush! I'm listening

Sonic: But he literally sucked in going to make himself some friends--

Silver: *throws him a pillow*

Sonic: *wasted*

Shadow: Can I do him?

Silver: Finish the song or you won't get to him

Sonic: mm fr pmmmfff hhhtt! (Silver what the f.ck!)

Shadow: Fine. It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger. Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker~

Chip: Ooh really?!

Shadow: By eleven smoking herb and licking burning liquor. Never reach so I've not been a steady figure...


Silver: *bish slaps him KO*

Sonic: *is smacked at wall*

Shadow: ònó You do not bish slap my love! *pounces at Silver*

Silver: Nooo! I was trying to make you continue singing because it's bootiful! Now you're strangling me?! I won't let you do him then!

Shadow: I don't care! You bish slapped my love, you'll be facing me!

Silver: Ack help!

Sonic: I'd prefer to be bish slapped a hundred of times rather to "do" with him...I'm not even a  proper woman! Also Shadow stop struggling him!

Shadow: Gaaaahh!

Silver: *is gonna be dead by now*

Chip: Should I do something or?

Caliber: ... Why am I enjoying this though

Sonic: Because you're a dumb.ss

Caliber: Fair point

Chip: So we're just gonna watch them strangle each other?

Sonic: I'd prefer turning Silver into a girl right now because it seems like they're both gonna do each other

Silver: Gross!

Shadow: Argh!

Sonic: I'll wait a few more minutes before I break them off *gets chair and popcorn*

Caliber: You're also an .sshole you know that

Sonic: Fair point

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