Prior to your notice

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For the past few months (or maybe a year), I haven't been able to go online on Wattpad anymore because of the recent events that have happened to me and taking huge toll on me. There were cases where I haven't been responding to any of your messages, I haven't got to say hello, and most importantly, I haven't been updating my books.

That is the worst case for me, for being a part of Wattpad, and I'm upset with myself that I never bring myself to continue further on with my current stories.

Truth to be told, I'm recovering from a case, and I'll just keep that to myself to not worry you further. I've been active again this night (Pacific time), and update this book (if ever you are reading, I know you are.) I really feel bad for leaving you guys hanging without a word, until you'd slowly realize that I wouldn't operate again and you'd be annoyed with me. I'm annoyed with myself too.

I'm not going to take this long, I will not be making promises that I can't keep. But I will make sure that I will update on Wattpad whenever I can, whenever I have the time I can manage. I will push myself to create the ideas that are forming in my mind for you to read in this account. I will be active, for maybe at least once a week or once very two weeks or so, it's a slow progress but it will be worth your time.

I'm going to make myself busy with Wattpad if I don't have any work to work on. Because you know, in my country school just started, so once every one or two weeks will be a start.

But thank you so much for those who continued to read my other stories!! I couldn't give shootouts since the connection is a bit slow and I'm (kind of) lazy to scroll down and see who are voting and liking my stories. But that does not necessarily mean I don't like you!

Anyway, I'll end it here right now. So, have a jolly month of June. And I'll be updating with you again.

P.S. This notice will be posted to each of my books. Be sure to check 'em out also!

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