Silvy with the shy guy

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I dare Silver to kiss Storm.exe

Silver: Well that's just easy. Hold this *hands camera to Shadow*

Shadow: -3-" Why me? Why can't be it Sonic?

Sonic: Am busy babysitting our niece :3

Ava: Uncle Sanic heh >:)

Sonic: :( She still doesn't get my name right

Shadow: Sucks to be you faker *holds cam*

Silver: I ought to say sorry for uh...  For scaring you the other day, heh. ^^" You're cousin's mad at me -3-"

Storm.exe: *looks at him* Well then... O-okay. W-what are we gonna d-do here anyway?

Silver: o.O Okay...? Well come here closer

Storm.exe: *hesitates* *goes to him*

Silver: Come on now don't be shy *winks*

Storm.exe: >//~//< *goes nearer*

Silver: Closer

Storm.exe: *goes closer*

Silver: Even closer

Storm.exe: *now infront of him*

Silver: *leans closer*

Storm.exe: O.ô?

Silver: *kisses him shortly on da lips*

Shadow: Ō-Ō Am not even amused tho

Sonic: *covers Ava's eyes* This is not for kids Ava

Ava: Hey! I wanna see uncle Silver kissing a boy! Wait what? He's GAY?!

Shadow: ō-ō....

Silver: *parts away from him* *smiling*

Storm.exe: O///-///O U-uhhhh....

Silver: Said anything?

Storm.exe: I-I... Uh... Just gotta... G-go n-now... *backs away slowly*

Silver: *smiles like a creep*

Sonic: Wut ish happening to Silver?

Ava: *takes peek* What the?

Shadow: Ō_ō Um

Silver: o(`ω' )o

Storm.exe: ('・_・');;

Sonic: I think Silver got to far

Silver: Hey!

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