Double Date

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FoxNinja360 : Author-chan: *smirks* I dare Silver to have a double date with Blaze, Tess and Hazen >:3

Silver: o//////o

Sonic: I will be the third wheel!

Shadow: Guess I'll be the waiter then *sigh*

At date

Blaze: Well thanks for asking me out Silver. It's nice of you I guess?

Silver: Hehe. N-No problem Blaze!

Tess: Man I love this date

Hazen: Yeah, I wish this is really a date.

Tess: Why?

Hazen: Cause it's just a dare. -3-

Shadow: May I take your order?

Silver: C-Can We have a large plate of spaghetti and meatballs?

Tess: Us too!

Shadow: Sure.

Both have da spaghetti

Silver and Blaze: *eats a strand of spaghetti*

Tess and Hazen: *does too*

Both: *closer and closer*

Sonic: *jumps in* YEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!

Hazen and Silver: THIRD WHEEL!!!!!!!

Sonic: Yah yah yah! *does victory dance while explosion in the background*

Blaze: Is this a joke?!

Tess: Ugh. *facepalm*

Silver: Sonic! *chases him*

Hazen: *him too*

Sonic: GOTTA GO FAST! *runs away*

Shadow: And that's why you shouldn't have Sonic to be the third wheel.

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