Playing simulator

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I DARE Shadow-Kun To Play YANDERE SIMULATOR with me

Shadow: Geez woman demanding *sits in front of computer*

Mao: *sticks out tongue* >:3 Hehe

Shadow: Wait... What's Yandere?

Silver: *facepalms* That's what happened to Sonic in early chapters

Shadow: What happened to Faker?

Sonic: *busy playing with Ava*

Ava: *throws block at him*

Sonic: *gets hit* -3-"

Silver: :| Know what? Never mind -.-"

Mao: I will hunt you down Shadow-Kun.

Shadow: Okay?

Silver: Am just gonna prepare some lunch *goes out*

Ava: *throws lots of blocks at him*

Sonic: AHHHH!!!! Woman stop throwing those blocks at meh!!!!

Ava: >:3 Nevah!!!

Shadow: Oh GOD!!!! What do I do? Everyone is getting killed! By whom?

Mao: By me of course >:3 You me Senpai

Shadow: *sweating* Da Fuuuuu

Sonic: *runs around the room* Am getting killed!

Ava: *uses powers to throw him lots of blocks more* CHARGE!!!!

Sonic: O.O How does she have a lot of blocks to throw???????

Shadow: Oh no... She's there. She's hiding behind that tree where she hides always. Oh sheez am getting myself killed by this woman who is playing this damn game with meh

Mao: -_-" Seriously?

Sonic: Gah! I didn't know babysitting could be like THIS!!!!

Shadow: *bites nails*

Mao: Meh

Ava: *attacks them too*

Shadow: Ah!

Mao: Ey!


Sonic: Where is SILVER??!!


Silver: *outside da house* *listening to iPod* *eating Dorritos* *sitting in a tree branch* Ah... The life :)

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