Flirty and blizzard

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To Shadow I got a question and a Dare, question first, what happen if all your friends are gone because of the immortal thing, how do you make friends.
I dare you to kiss my friend Rachel the Hedgehog on the cheek but becareful
there is huge chance of a blizzard storm or you get slap on the face.
I dare sonic to be with sebastian from black butler in his demon form and shadow to see how my oc melody can kiss his ass);3 and for silver to pet my adorable oc's pet named puff

Shadow: *laughs* Mephiles you say? And how do I make friends?

Sonic: Oh boy

Shadow: I DON'T make friends! You all do know how I can isolate myself from time to time. And I'm not much a charmer in socializing *looks at Sonic* Except for my blue~

Sonic: Oh my Chaos please. Just no

Shadow: *shrugs* Well, if you say so *kisses Rachel's cheek*

Rachel: Da fuuu ./////.

Silver: *cringes* Shadow's very flirty with that love potion

Shadow: I can flirt with the ladies~ but whenever I'm with Sonic, he turns me on

Sonic: -_-


Silver: Now he only made it worse

Sonic: You think?

Melody: *tries to kick Shadow's .ss*

Shadow: *dodges* Gotcha *smirks*

Melody: ./////. How dare you

Shadow: The more the merrier

Sonic: *stares at Sebastian* *sweats so much* :| I guess.... Hi?

Sebastian: Hello there creature

Sonic: *shivers*

Silver: Aww, such a cutie pet! *pets pet haha*

Sonic: So...this is your demonic formation?

Sebastian: Of course

Sonic: Um...

Shadow: NO TALKING TO MY BAAAEEE! *attacks Sebastian*

Sebastian: NUUUU

Sonic: Um... ._."

Ciel: *drinks cup of tea* Demons

Chip: Does anybody forgot about the blizzard?

Calibur: They forgot

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