Shadow doesn't give a f-ck

151 7 13

All three:
If you had a prehistoric animal what would it be?
3)dinosaur (trex)
I dare Silver and Shadow to watch "Sonic Boom" (the TV Series) and comment it, while Sonic watch Noragami Aragoto (I love this anime :3). Bye bye

Shadow: *grins* Sabertooths are cool.

Silver: Well, I'd like to ride on a mammoth. Since it's very furry.

Chip: *looks around* Where's Sonic?

Sonic: *barges in riding on a T-Rex!* I Love Dinosaurs! (:D)

Shadow & Silver: *surprised*

T-Rex: (-3-)

Sonic: Well, T-Rex is one of my favorite dinosaurs. And also I wouldn't leave out the fastest dinosaur alive! What is it called again?

Silver: Eh.

Shadow: . . .

Sonic: *pats T-Rex* I'll call you Rexander.

Shadow: Wth is that name?!

Rexander: Shut up, Emo.

Shadow: (-.-)

Silver: This Rex's got an attitude.

Sonic: He got it from me! Who's a good Rex? *does the doggy thing*

Rexander: *lays down on one side* *like a dawg*

Sonic: <3

Silver: Um... Where'd you get that?


*Sonic is in a dark forest, holding a flashlight and looking around*

Sonic: Um... *hears something*

Wind: *rustling thy trees*

Something: *roars out of nowhere*

Sonic: What... *flashes torch*

Lil' Dino: *jumps out from behind a log*

Sonic: Ah! *lays back* Huh?

Lil' Dino: *chirps*

Sonic: Phew. I thought you were something scary. *stands up*

Lil' Dino: *tilts head*

Sonic: *pats head* Aww. You lil' fella are kinda cute to be put in the dark forest like this.

Lil' Dino: *stares up cutely*

Sonic: Hmm... Wait, so if you're a dinosaur. Then that means...

T-Rex: *comes from behind and eats lil' Dino*

Sonic: (030)

T-Rex: *gobbles up lil' dino*

Lil' Dino: *is dead n' digested* XP

T-Rex: *looks at Sonic*

Sonic: (O~O;;)

T-Rex: *roars*

Sonic: Aaaahhh! *drops torch n' runs away*

T-Rex: *chases him*

*Title rolls out of nowhere*

*t-Rex roars from da background*

###Flashback Finished###

Sonic: And that's how I met Rexander.

Silver: *frozen on spot*

Chip: *fainted*

Shadow: *doesn't give a F^ck like always*

Sonic: Well farewell! I'm gonna watch some anime this dared tells me to. *rides away on Rexander*

Silver: I'll just watch some Sonic Boom in order to forget all this happened.

Shadow: *still doesn't give a* I don't care.

Chip: Imma watch it with chu guys! <3

Silver: Okay Chip! *sets up theatre in rapid speed*

Shadow: *gives a for a lil' bit* How'd you made hat so fast?

Silver: *pixelated shades on* Skillz Bruh. Skillz.

Chip: *takes seat* Lets watch Season 1 First! *grabs remote*

Silver: *is beside Chip*

Shadow: *sits on a reclining chair LIKE A BOSS*

Chip: *flips to Sonic Boom*

Flat Screen: *shows Sonic Boom Intro*

Trio: *looks interested but Shadow still doesn't give a f–*

.-.-.Some time later...-.-.

Silver: Well... It looked really nice.

Chip: There are even hints that Sonic likes Amy!

Sonic: Did somebody say my name?

Chip: *slaps mouth*

Shadow: What, in chaos, am I, doing?!

Silver: So you're teaming up for Team Eggman?

Shadow: *crosses arms* Like I care. Also flashes of light never bother me as much.

Silver: Oh really?

Shadow: *counts on fingers* I had a ton of press calls coming from GUN and some gabby reporters who wanted to stick their noses into, a robot coming from Eggman which sometimes have a flash feature, when I'm Chaos Controlling... DonIbhave to count more flashes than that?

Silver: You explained enough.

Sonic: *goes out of separate room* That anime was good. Just finished half the season of it.

Silver: Your comments?

Sonic: I got a bit bored eventually. Also it's not in my nature to watch around while I have the time and freedom to run and go do adventures and stuff.

Shadow: Then,Nagy are we here doing answering questions and doing dares then, if we are supposed to be outside doing things we could've achieve from.

Sonic: . . . Eh...

Silver: *chuckles* You just got speechless right there Sonic.

Sonic: *blushes* I-it's different! *crosses arms* *pouts* Hmph!

Chip: Aww, cheer up Sonic! Here,behave some chocolate.

Sonic: Thanks but you can give that to Rexander.

Chip: Oh, okay. *hands Rex the chcocolate*

Rexander: Um... Thanks?

We have a new member aboard the ship! It's Rexander the pet T-Rex! :D

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