Slenderman and another mlp

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A dare for All three

Silver- I dare you to watch Slender man. Without being scared.

Shadow- sorry for that dare but I just wanted to see your reaction. The dare is that you should try to watch My Little Pony, after you Watched SMILE HD

Sonic- I dare you to tell everyone about your long lost brother.

Silver: Slenderman? That sounds like a myth

Shadow: Good luck for that pothead. Well I might accept your apology for now but... WHY DID YOU MADE ME WATCH PINKIE PIE AGAIN?!

Silver: Shadow, it's just a dare.

Shadow: HOLY--- WHAT THE-?! Sonic? Why are you smiling like a lunatic?

Sonic: -.-" it's not a lunatic's smile, it's a good news smile! :) Guys! I found my long lost brother!

Manic: We have a long lost brother?!

Darkness.exe: um... Yeah?

Sonic: I met him just a while ago and his story is very tragic. I wanna welcome him as part of our family.

Manic: Cool! Another big brother! And we're threesome brothers! *hugs Darkness & Sonic*

Sonia: *facepalms* Well...

Silver: *already watching the vid* *is shaking* I would not be scared. I won't be scared.

Shadow: *is in a room watching a marathon of mlp*

Sonic: Welcome to the family Dark! To make it more clear, Manic our big brother!

Manic: You just said that a while ago.

Sonic: I did?

Darkness: *facepalms*

Silver: *sweating and shaking* I... I-I s-shouldn't b-be-e s-scared.

After what seem like infinity~

Silver: *finishes the vid and goes to them*

Sonic: So! How was it?

Silver: *all white* I... *faints from fear*

Sonic: He actually is pretty afraid

Shadow: *gets out of room* *shaking also* I never want to see them again.

Sonic: You actually watched the whole MLP episodes? Even the movies?

Shadow: *eye twitches* y-yeah

Sonic: Well you're officially now a brony.

Shadow: *glares at him* IT IS A NIGHTMARE!!! Those imbecile ponies would take over anyone's minds from whoever watches them. Those unicorns are evil, the Pegasus use fake wings and actually have bat wings and oh Princess Luna she's just the one whom I trust.

Sonic: o.O Wut?

Silver: D-don't l-let S-slender get m-me.....

All: o-O

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