Nicest things

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Ok since it is almost christmas i will be nice
Shadow i dare u to to hang out with maria for Christmas eve and Christmas Day (i will bring her back 😉)
Sonic i dare u to......... Um........... Swim in a pool of chili dogs AND go give everyone u hate a wedgie (except silver) P.S if u give scuorge a hard kick where the sun don't shine i will give u 100 chili dogs
Silver i dare u to go n play with blaze and give meh marshmellos and chips (meh LOVE marshmello and chips)
And for SCOURGE ... I give u to sonic e.x.e so u can get a painfull death.
Suuntum and Steel well u guys can have 1 ting u want in the entire world (i be nice to u two)

Shadow: OuO okay... I'll wait.

Sonic: Whoopee! *jumps in pool of chili dogs* Ahaha! Life long dream came true! *starts back strokes* At least I don't have to go swim and be pushed into a pool of jello tho ;3~

Shadow: -~-"

Sonic: *gobbles some chili dogs* *jumps out of ze pool* Now who wants some wedgies?! *cracks knuckles*

Everyone: 030

Sonic: One wedgie for u! *gives Scourge wedgie*

Scourge: Oiiii!

Sonic: Another wedgie for u! *wedgies Shadow*

Shadow: Eyyy! *tries to punch him*

Sonic: *dodges* And another wedge for u!!! *wedges random person*

Random person: Eyyy!

Scourge: *rubs wedged place* Dat hurts

Sonic: *swims back to pool* Whahoo! *swims like he ish in heaven* ^-^!!!

Scourge: *tries to go away*

Sonic: Oopsie, I forgot something *kicks him where the sun doesn't shine*

Scourge: Oiii m8 STAHP!!! Dat hurts!

Sanctum: *facepalms* Poor master

Steel: Yeah. Well u give me KITTENS!!! They r fluffy <33333

Sanctum: Give me... Some shine bois. I need to shine my armor before the Christmas party eh?

Scourge: T3T What's the next torture then?

Sonic.exe: Am here hehe

Sanctum & Steel: O.O O_O *backs away slowly*

Scourge: Why are you guys backing away?! Don't leave me!

Sonic.exe: Too late then *kills him*

Scourge: Ah! *dies and poofs away*

Steel: ;w; Wut happened to MASTER?!

Sonic.exe: Oh well. He'll revive anyway. Soon~ *disappears*

Silver: I luv playing with bwazeh!

Blaze: Well this sure is fun... Where are you Silver?

Silver: -u- She can't find meh. Meh will eat marshmello and chips :D *eats*

Blaze: *sees him* GOTCHA!!!

Silver: ;^; Y u surprised meh from moi eating moment. Also... Oh no am caught!

Blaze: I'm still the finder seeker around here Silver

Silver: Yeah you got me ha.

Sonic: *still loving this dare*

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