A date, to remember at least

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Hahahahahah. Silver, I dare you to date Storm.exe

Silver: *smiles* Alrighty then.

Storm.exe: You better not do anything stupid tho.

Silver: I will.

Storm.exe: Okay *shrugs*

Silver: *takes him on a date*

Scourge: Let's stalk 'em

Sanctum: Yeah.

Steel: You coming guys?

Shadow: Nah. Am helping Maria here. And Sonic is still in his sadness by not having Chip by his side.

Steel: Alright then.

At ze date~

Storm.exe: Well. I can't believe Drè always dares us to do this.

Silver: Well are you happy then?

Storm.exe: *nods*

Silver: *smiles*

Waiter: Here you go guys *gives them their orders*

Storm.exe: *eats spaghetti*

Silver: *eats too*

Scourge: Whoa. Never thought pothead be gay.

Steel: Hehe. Now I will show everyone how gay he is!

Sanctum: *smacks him from behind*

Steel: Oi! Stop smacking me!

Scourge: *facepalms* Shadow's the puncher and Sanctum' the smacked. How ironic.

Storm.exe: *sees them* *hides under the table*

Silver: Huh? What's the matter Storm? *looks at them* WHATA RE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!

Steel: You're ga—

Scourge: *covers his mouth* We're about to go away now! Bye! *takes Sanctum and Steel with him*

Sanctum & Steel: MASTER!!!

Silver: *shrugs* Oh well. You can come out now Storm.

Storm.exe: *shaking* A-are they g-gone?

Silver: *nods*

Storm.exe: *hugs him*

Silver: *hugs back* There, there.

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