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Oh! Can I ask one?
Silver how far can you travel back in time? And sonic? Have a heated make out session with shadow pweeeez(jumps up and down) ill be your bwest fwend!! And I love yu all sosososo MUCH! (giggles)

Silver: It takes patience and a little help from the others. Sometimes I even can't get back to the future 'because I'm here.' But I can reach beyond a other dimensions, but in a limited time and energy since it costs consequences and might ruin the space and time fiber.

Sonic: As much as we love to flatter each other.... I can't do that right now and Shadow would beat me a couple more times and I would regret havin him in bed. But I thank you for lovin' me.

Chip: The past few chapters were short...

Sonic: But don't forget the cookies from @Sonilverlover2007!!! Thanks pal! *munches on one*

Silver: Bout meh?!

Sonic: You didn't give meh your chocolates so we are even. *sticks out tongue*

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