Christmas Reunion!!!

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(I invited and add some of my greatest, closest and bestest friends I've been hanging out here in Wattpad so far! Hope you all enjoy this! (^ω^)) (Another notify: This might be long) (Caution: Many characters here would be OOC)

So the chapter starts right at... Christmas Island, in Snowy Hill Zone! Where, yours truly is born!!! (Sonic the Hedgehog)


Sonic: *wearing Christmas hat and green scarf* *is pacing* Alrighty then, the tables are all set, the decorations are cool. The Christmas tree is up. The presents are here. The venue ish that we're here...

Darkness (Darkness_exe): Come on bro. Don't sweat on it, you got the preparations real done and real good.

Sonic: A-am just worried that anything might go wrong here.

Darkness: You'll be fine. Besides, the guys are helping, also Rouge is here too.

Rouge: Don't worry a single thing here big blue. You got it right.

Silver (-Silver-the_Hedgehog): And don't worreh... I got the food! The Reeses, the chips, marshmallows, chili dogs, the roasted chicken, the...

Shadow: *shoves his face* Quit it pothead. We know what food you are preparing.

Silver: ;-; Come on. I was about to tell Swiss rolls.

Maria: Merry Christmas everyone!!! Whoa, Sonic you're pacing.

Sonic: I don't know... I'm nervous.

Darkness: We're here for you don't worry.

Manic: And besides, we organized mostly of the games here hehe.

Sonic: -3-" I know.

Maria: *goes to him* Just stop worrying Sonic, it will be alright. And besides, everyone will accept whatever you prepare.

Sonic: :') Thanks.

Shadow: I told you, she's the best.

Silver: You at least, to,d us that. A million times.

Scourge: And we'll just wait for those guests to come.

Sanctum: I'll be fancying the dinning room~

Steel: Eh. I'll help over with Manic.

Sonic: Whatever you can do and can.

Door: *comeone knocks* There is someone to come in!

Shadow: 030!!! Is the door programmed to talk and act like that?

Door: Psh... Got a problem with it?

Shadow: -_-" Eh. How about a no?

Door: I'll open anyways. :3 *opens itself*

Amy (Celestixl2Destxny): *comes in* Merry Christmas everybody!

The guys & Rouge & Maria: Merry Christmas Amy!

Amy: *strides towards Sonic* Merry Christmas to you too, Sonic. ^-^

Sonic: ^^" Hehe. Merry Christmas to you too Ames.

Amy: Thanks for the invite! I'm really honored.

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