Love ya like a lil' sis

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U-Uhm, hi! My name is Mitty and I have a question, well two actually...
(They both of center around Amy Rose so if you don't want to do it that's fine...)
1.) If Sonic, Silver, Shadow and Amy got into a fight who would win?
2. I always wondered this, but uh do all of you have a soft spot for Amy? It doesn't have to be in a romantic way, but like a protective "little sister" way?

I dare Sonic and shadow to have a fun day together  (no fighting but hugging.And you both have to act like your BFFs) and a question for silver
What is your favorite chocolate?

Sonic: Ok so to answer the first one...

Shadow: The answer would be me. Even though the girl could be terrifying with her hammer, I can still counter her attacks

Silver: Ehem. Telekinesis. Ehem. I could throw rubble as large as the blue whale at all of you in one flick of a finger

Shadow: Ehem. Teleportation. Chaos spears. Guns!

Sonic: Ehem Sonic booms are very deafening and needs quiet a skill to master it. Well, only I can master it and it would send all of you flying into space!

All three: *arguing whether who is gonna win*

Amy: *comes outta nowhere and hammers them*

All three: *knocked out*

Amy: Hmph! When those three are distracted, that is their greatest weakness for the enemy. Never let your guard down folks. Who's the real winner now? *poses and winks*

Take 2 XD

Sonic: Okay that hurt

Shadow: Well, she got all of us fazed

Silver: The hammer really hurts!

Amy: Well be thankful that I healed you boys. I'm going on my way now and do your stuff. *disappears*

Shadow: Now the next question. Okay, truth be told I don't know much about Amy. But she does have some similarities with Maria. As far as I can tell, I have a soft spot for her, and watching over her and protecting her is necessary. She and Cream are different though

Sonic: Like, Cream is like the little sister you ever had

Shadow: Yeah, that feeling

Sonic: Okay, okay. This is a fact, a lot of people are wondering how I feel about Amy in showbiz and in real life. So uh, to everyone listening (reading) this answer in non-canonical (if that is a word) statement that it got nothing to do with the real franchise. Because it's illegal.

Sonic: Nah I'm kidding but seriously, any of what we say here are non-canonical.

Silver: You are really putting up effort in franchise infringement or whatever that is

Sonic: Lemme deal you with this one folks. I see Amy as a sweet, talented, kind of a hot-head, girl I've ever met. She is persistent when it comes with what she wants, so she Chase's me all the time. So how I feel about her, well I have a soft spot for protecting her really. Sure I have some bits of interest onto her but we will be staying as friends which is alright for her. I respect her somehow. But that's it, that's the limit to how I feel about her

Silver: Now, for me. The first time I met her, I got a little crush on her and I don't know what drawn me to her. But I don't really know anything about her because, we live in different timelines and meet if necessarily. This soft spot I have for her is like a little sister feeling. And just that. No explanations guaranteed.

(Note: All of this said may have or have not anything to deal with the canon facts. I have mutual feelings for every ships so you shippers don't come to me with the hate. Peace.)

Silver: Now I'm gonna quickly answer this one! My favorite type of chocolate so far that o tasted is

Shadow: Reeses?

Silver: That's secondary Shadow

Shadow: Oh

Silver: Well, I have a thing for Kit Kat though and that's all I could say

Sonic: So Shadow and I supposed to hangout?

Shadow: For how many times now

Sonic: Well, I could hang out with him *smiles in a creepy way* We'll both have some quality time together

Shadow: I could, if I can resist to be hostile towards you

Sonic: Let's go!! *grabs him and jumps out the window*

Shadow: o-o;; Help

Sonic: This be out time off so byeeee!

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