Shadow inlove~???

221 13 16

I got 2 dares and 1 question
I dare Shadow to drink this home made (lovepotion) wine I made for you (I can't wait see who shadow sees first whoever his sees first he'll fall in love and to bad the potion only last in 10 chapters) I dare all of you to go ghost hunting with me tonight and I'll be bringing ghost hunting gadgets in hunted house and I'll bring my friend Rachel to come along because she made those gadgets and lastly here's my question, to Silver what happens if you get married to Blaze and you have 2 child's who's is he and a she what will you name theme?

Shadow: Be sure this wine doesn't have any side effects that can cause me destruction...

Blackrunner25: I promise *smiles innocently*

Shadow: -_- I'm eyeing you, but thanks for this wine I guess. *gulps whole bottle* Mmm... It tastes sweet like strawberry...

Blackrunner25: *snickers* Now

Sonic: *walks in eating a chilidog* Hey guys...its been a long time since--

Shadow: *looks at him*

Sonic: o-o Um...hey Shadow! ^-^ How's it goin?

Shadow: *blinks couple of times* *smirks* *goes to him*

Sonic: 0-0 W-what the heck are you doing?

Shadow: You didn't tell me you're this

Sonic: ^//~//^ Alright...enough playing games with me Shadow... What the hell is wrong with you?!

Shadow: There's nothing wrong with me... It's just that, I like– no... LOVE you. If you should know that

Sonic: *sinking in* Oh my chaos... nO. No no no no no no no! *runs away*

Shadow: Tch. *teleports infront of him*

Sonic: Gah! o~o S-stop following me! Alright Blackrunner25...what did you do to him?! Why is he suddenly in love with me?!

Blackrunner25: Oh well...just made a homemade wine which is really a love potion then he drank it. And whoever he sees first, he shall be in love with him... For 10 chapters! Hah!

Sonic: ;3; Why?

Shadow: Why you crying Sonikku?~ I'm here for you *strokes quills*

Sonic: *shivers* *purrs* Wait a minute... Ehhh *shivers again* I hate this

Caliber: -__- This is a nuisance

Chip: ;3; I wanna get stroked too

Blackrunner25: Ahem... Anyway, we'll be going ghost hunting in a hunted house today! But before that, Silver you should answer moi question OuO

Silver: E-eh?! W-well... If we could get married that might happen irl. I'm thinking about naming the girl Breeza b-because Blaze and mine's powers would merge into one body and she might get the power of manipulating air or something... The boy, I could let Blaze answer that, if she's here ;-;

Blackrunner25: I told you, you can answer both remember?

Silver: ^~^;; R-right. Well then, the boy could be name Stele... Idk for some reason I have a feeling that he's magical and Stele is the word I can think of

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