Sonic: Its HORRIBLE!!!

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XD oh my god.

Anyway, So Silver are you taking good care of Ava?

And for Sonic I dare you to stay in a lake for 10 mins

Silver: Yep! She's just alright!

Ava: *pokes his chest fur* Aba!

Silver: she still hasn't said my name

Sonic: But she said mine :3

Shadow: But it's Sanic hehe

Sonic: -^-"

Sonic: I don't want to go to the lake -3-

Shadow: Sorry but it's a dare *holds his body and carries him bridal style*

Sonic: S*** Shadow put me down this isn't SonAdow!

Shadow: Shush! *teleports to the lake* *drops him on shore*

Sonic: Oof! Ow!

Shadow: *teleports away*

Sonic: -.-" A horrible ten minutes I can't wait

At le base

Shadow: He's at the lake

Silver: Ooh. I hope he survives

Ava: :| *in mind: I hope he dies* >:3

(No offense to FoxNinja360 that Ava's evil but part of the comedy act :3)

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