Hugs, slaps and....

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Dare for Silver: you give me a hug this time :3
Dare for Sonic: Let Shadow slap you heh I like picking on you :p
Dare for Shadow: Balance as many books on your head as possible :D

Silver: Okay! *hugs F.Sonic*

F. Sonic: ^-^/

Sonic: Oh no, I don't wanna get slapped by faker here!

Shadow: Oh yes you are! And I should be the one telling you you're the faker! Faker! *bish slaps him*

Sonic: *get slapped and was sent flying towards a tree* O___O OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!


Silver: *facepalms then uses powers to put many books on top of his head*

Shadow: DA F!!!!!! I'm not yet ready!!!

Silver: Stop yo whining and deal with it! *pixelated glasses put on his eyes and walks like a boss, with F. Sonic*

F. Sonic: You can do it Shadow! ^v^

Shadow: O__e *just only does it for ten seconds then* SPLAT!!!!!

Sonic: Hehe you too.... Got.... Ugh! *faints from strong bish slap*

F. Sonic: O.O imma just gonna walk out...... *walks out*

Silver: D: Senpai left meh...

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