Shadow's Nightmare (I think???)

310 12 13

Question for all: Can I come on the chapter so I can fix the camera

Dare for Shadow: Do you remember SMILE HD? (Shadow: Oh come on!) I dare you to give a hug and kiss to Pinkie pie herself. If this happens, I'll ship it like FedEx...oh wait I forgot. ITS A DARE. HAHAHAH

Shadow: OnO

Sonic: Oh don't give me that look Shadow

Shadow: Am not looking at you idiot. -n-

Silver: So yeah Sonic just broke my cam. *looks at him* Twice

Sonic: ^^"

Darkness.exe: *looks at it* Hmm... Don't worry, your phones are really good substitutes for this one. I'll fix this.... Now *magically fixes it*

Silver: Whoa!

Darkness.exe: Tada!

Silver: *claps*

Sonic: Bravo!

Shadow: -3- You are all dweebs.

Sonic: Do it now Shadow.

Shadow: I can't do it cause she's not here

Darkness.exe: Or is she? *snaps fingers*

Pinkie pie: *suddenly poofs in gonna eat an ice cream* o.O? Hey who send me here?

Shadow: O.O Holy mother of Swiss rolls this can't be happening! *tries to run*

Silver: *straps him down* Sorry dude

Shadow: >n< No no NO!!!

Pinkie: Um... Who are you guys? And why is he like that?

Sonic: He got a dare. Involving you.

Pinkie: Okay?

Shadow: *tires* I give up!

Darkness.exe: *pushes Pinkie to him*

Pinkie: Hey am not done with mah ice cream yet!

Shadow: *looks up at the sky* *tears fall* Am so sorry Maria... Forgive me Professor Gerald!

Sonic & Silver: o.O o-O

Pinkie pie: Forgive me every pony for whatever they're doing. To me. And to poor him.

Shadow: -__-" *turns to her* *stares at her for a bit*

Pinkie: *blinks*

Shadow: *sigh* *hugs her*

Pinkie: Yay! I love hugs! Even random people hugs! Because I hug random people too! :D

Sonic: ovO

Shadow: Am not done yet.

Pinkie: What do you--

Shadow: *kisses her*

Pinkie: o^O...... 0////0 Holy Cupcakes get the heck away from me you creep! *kicks him with her hind legs*

Shadow: OOFF!!!!! *sent flying to the wall*

Sonic: *nudges his brother* Would you still ship them even like that?

Darkness.exe: o.O I'd still ship the, though. They did it anyway.

Silver: Hey Sonic, there still something I noticed about ye

Sonic: Wut?

Silver: You're still a girl :3

Manic: Hehe yeah. Even when you turned dark

Sonic: 030 *in mind: F*CK*

You might even do dares that involve Shadow and Sonic or do SonAdow since, Sonic's a fem after all -u-

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