Just the ordinary

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Okay I have been harsh on u guys... So i have these dares n ask.

Silver- who is ur crush
Sonic- i dare u to go n face ur fear.
Shadow- i dare u to go spy on sonic n tell us one of his secrets. >:3

Silver: You know who. It's obvious enough for a boy to like a girl.

Sonic: You say "face my fear"? Well then grab a bucket of water.

Shadow: Really?

Sonic: Just grab. I'm going to face my fear as this one says.

Shadow: *goes get bucket of water*

Chip: *reading magazine*

Shadow: *comes back* Here.

Sonic: *holds bucket* *dumps water onto him* Aaah! *shivers* *hugs himself* Y-you got t-this o-one c-cold?!

Shadow: *frowns* You didn't tell me anything. And I haven't much on a stalking spree so whatever you say. One secret revealed, he have a fear of water. Second of all, he have a slight crush on Amy. Third of all—

Sonic: Uh what?!

Silver: He says you have a crush on—

Sonic: *tackles him* Nooo! Don't! You have heard nothing! NOTHING AT ALL!

Shadow: *groans* Stop interrupting. I'm not in the mood for all this now. I just want to have some rest. So then third of his secret.

Sonic: Shadow. If we are being serious on here, if someone dared me to tell the secret you tell me not to tell, would I tell them?

Shadow: *looks at him* I... I, don't know.

Sonic: Just please don't push on the topic.

Silver: Sorry Electric. Not gonna answer them all.

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