Wedding... SABOTAGED

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Me: this might be the most ridiculous dare that I ever made but I think Shade/Shadow will like this.......I DARE SHADOW TO MARRY SONIC!!!
Rachel: ummm.... well there's a wedding I'll play the piano
Spark: while I me and Kaizer crash it by using my electricity power and his fire power
Kaizer: I can't wait
Me: yeah! also I dare eclipse to kiss Rachel on the lips... and Fleetway to date Demonic and she's just like you ........and...bye *runs away*

Me: oh god, my dare gave them girl versions of them...
ANYWAYS, i dare Silver and Shadow to throw Sonic in the water (Sorry not Sorry) I also dare Shadow to babysit Cream. Lastly, I want Silver do stupid stuff with his telekinesis.
That's all!

Shadow: Yes!

Sonic: No! ;A;

Silver: Don't be a Drama Queen Sonic. This day will be the last time you will see Shadow go goo-goo eyes for you because it will wear out now

Sonic: Yahoo!

Fleetway: And for that to happen is for you to do this questions and dares this day

Sonic: Not yahoo...

Fleetway: Since none of you are girls and no one likes to be the bride...we're gonna make a "Yaoi Wedding" for you two to enjoy~

Shadow: My suit's red, Sonic's blue, these are perfect, to be paired up with you~

Sonic: Blood is red, berries are blue. I hate to mention but who you?

Shadow: ò3ó Rude...

Rachel: *claps hands* People you need to get a move on. You don't get to join this thing everyday so don't waste more time on your trash talking. Also my piano needs to paid also

Sonic: ;3; But we're broke

Shadow: Dammit

Silver: Just go get ur suits and we'll be able to handle the reception! Ugh! It's just that easy to do something!

Sonic: Fine. *stomps off to wear blue suit*

Shadow: *follows him to wear red suit*

Silver: *scracthes head* Why are those two so stubborn to make things easy?

Shard: Because that makes them unique?

Fleetway: I prefer to say that they are having an 'LQ'

Silver: ō.ō Get out before I do something to you with my telekinesis

Fleetway: õuõ

Shard: Sorry he gets weird like that when we were interviewed to go here

###~~~A couple of hours before the wedding~~~###

Rachel: *is playing the Wedding March*

Silver: *is the priest*

Eclipse: *the best man of Shadow*

Fleetway: *the service for Sonic*

Shard: *the ring bearer*

Shadow: *is beside Eclipse* I feel nervous and having a very decapitating feeling right now

Eclipse: It's all okay Shadow that's what happens when you're getting married

Shadow: No, I feel like...I don't want to do this anymore

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