Killing, pianist and...boulders?

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Spark: Hi I am spark the Hedgehog and I am Rachel's little sister I got 2 dares for mister Shadow but have to pick one *smirks* I dare Shadow to shot Sonic with a gun until she's dead or I dare you to destroy the Earth and may I remind you if you destroy the earth you will break your promise to Maria about protecting the earth Muhahahaha! your choice.
Kaizer: Hey I am Kaizer the Hedgheog and I am Rachel's Cousin, I got a dare to Silver I dare you to play bendy and the ink machine with and after that, you must do a random dancing with Bendy,Caliber,Chip to Music called 'Build our Machine' it's a bendy song, Rachel!!! start playing the Piano on 'Build our Machine'
Rachel: you got it coz! *Plays Piano Music of 'Build our Machine'* oh! wait I almost forgot my dare, if Sonic survive this Chapter I dare you to make out with Shadow if your Survive

Sonic: *loads rifle* *gives to Shadow rifle*

Shadow: Oh Hun, what chu doin?

Sonic: *points rifle to his head* Kill me

Shadow: What?!

Sonic: The world's still more important. I'm just a mere hero who defeats large baddies. But there are new ones so why not kill me? Also I don't like making out with anyone

Shadow: But--

Sonic: How about this Shadow. Tails explained to me that when I get back to being a guy again, my memories about what happened to me as a girl will wipe out and I won't be able to remember anything. So then, I will give you a straight kiss to the lips then kill me okay?

Shadow: O-okay

Silver: ...seriously?!

Sonic: Shush. This will be the last day I will be female so I gotta make this work *leans in and kisses Shadow*

Shadow: *kisses back* -/////-

Sonic: ō/////ō

Chip: Should I take a pic and endure this moment or...

Silver: Gimme that! *sntaches camera* What?! No battery! Dammit

Sonic: *pulls away* Now. Kill me

Eggman: This shall be very feastive

Silver: What are YOU doing here?

Eggman: Sources brought me Sonic is being killed so I hurried in here to witness his doom and finally conquer without any interference

Silver: Excuse me? There are many heroes who can beat you though

Eggman: Oh

Shadow: *tears up* S-Sonic

Sonic: Shut up and shoot me, babe

Shadow: *clicks trigger*

Sonic: *dies*

Shadow: *kneels down* NOOOOO

(Rachel: *plays sad piano music)

Caliber: Very appealing

Chip: Can we have a moment's peace for Sonic's ever lasting life in the eternal life

Everyone: *is silent*

Silver: this even. Know what, never mind

Chip: Now that's finished, Silver should do the next dare! :D

Silver: W-what? ... Oh. Oh no. Nonononononono... NO! N-O. NOOOOOO!

Shadow: It's a damn thing about playing horror games...why am I already having the feeling I'm getting over her death?

Chip: It's a temporary grief...maybe part of the girl dare thingy

Silver: First you let me play Slenderman. Second, FNAF (which btw is one of the sane games I could ever have played). Third...NOW THIS BENDY AND INK MACHINE GAME. What's with people liking me to play such horrific games ;-;

Caliber: You are easy to tease...that's what the admin's script tells me...

Chip: Stop breaking the fourth wall swordy! Σ(゚д゚lll)

Caliber: I'm not a letter opener, nor you call me swordy!

Chip: Swordy! Got it!

Caliber: -_-

Silver: Fine! I'm going to play this game. But FOR THE VERY LAST TIME, people will not be allowed to dare for me to play HORROR GAMES. Got it?!

Chip: Just play already... Rachel is setting up on another song for us to play along with.

Rachel: Hurry up you guys

Silver: Eh okay

###An hour or so later of gaming because Silver kept screaming at scary scenes###

Silver: *is breathing in and out from a paperbag*

Shadow: You came from a wrecked future where you face and fend off much horrific creatures there...and you're scared of horror games?

Silver: *glares at him* You don't know what the future looks like. There are no such things as  "video games" in my timeline so don't expect me to easily "fend" these off

Shadow: ... Could I cry now

Silver: No

Rachel: You have another dare though

Silver: Hhhhhhhh

Bendy: *comes out of nowhere* Let's dance!

Silver: *going to faint*

Chip: He sorta looks like a devil...

Caliber: ... What devil are you talking about. I've never seen a creature like this before

Silver: We're going to dance...with THIS GUY?!

Bendy: Psh... Something to matter?

Silver: YOU WERE TRYING TO KILL ME *hyperventilates*

Bendy: Um...

Silver: Know what... this sh.t *telekinesis large boulders, an eight-wheeler truck, killer whales (also humpbacks) and other freaking big things* DIE YOU FOOL

Bendy: AAAAHHHHHH! *runs away*

Silver: *chases him around*

(Rachel: *does the Bendy Piano theme song while ignoring everyone)

Chip: Sonic died in this chapter (even the past chaps lol), so he wouldn't do the dare :3

Shadow: T3T

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