Back on being a yandere

293 14 3

I dare silver and  shadow to go on a date and I dare sonic To be yandere sonic for 10 dares

Sonic: *frantically looks around* Where are my KNIVES?!

Shadow: 0-0 Okay so Silver you better dress up we're going for a date

Silver: Um... Okay?

Sonic: *looks at them* *smiles evilly* Shadow... I know you p're the one who hid the knives, don't you?

Shadow: *gulps* 0.0 Lets go now Silv. Don't dress up but we gotta go!

Silver: Aww man! I was gonna pick a—

Shadow: Come on! *drags him out*

Sonic: Whatever! Where are those friggin damn KNIVES of MINE!

At le date~

Shadow: We're just here for the date and to hide from Sonic. Got it?

Silver: *eating spaghetti* Yeah, yeah sure. I know

Shadow: Are you even listening?

Silver: No maybe?

Shadow: *facepalms* Just follow my lead *eats spaghetti too*

Silver: *shrugs* *slurps the food*

Shadow: *looks around while slurping*

Silver: *dreams about Blaze*

Shadow: *doesn't realize getting closer*

Silver: *getting closer also*

Both: *lips touch*

Shadow: Ò////__////Ó Gah Silver! Why'd you do that?!

Silver: ToT It's just an accident! Am sorry! Don't kill me!

Shadow: I can't literally kill you anyway and somehow I would have killed you with 200 bullets with one gun!

Silver: -_- I seriously hate you now

Shadow: Hate you much more

Silver: *sticks out tongue*

Shadow: -.-" You're much more childish than Sonic

Silver: -3-"

Shadow: Speaking of.... Where is he anyway?

Silver: 030 Wut? He's still out there?

Shadow: 0-0 Just be careful

Both: *goes out*

Sonic: *still at da house* *looking for Knives* DAMN!!!!!

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