The Shad and Sony show

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I dare silver to tell shadow about him being inlove with sonic

Ps. Who wants a copy of the about sonic wearing a tutu and dance like a ballerina *smile evilly*

I dare Sonic and Shadow to Cosplay as Karma and Nagisa, Sonic-Karm and Shadow-Nagisa, they also have to have a very intense heated make out session, Sonic no Squirming you have to enjoy it, Shadow you can as Perverted as you want
Silver, Can I have a Hug please, Cause your too cute not to hug
If Chip is there, Tell him this "SaneCookies knows what you and Sonic did in Sonic unleashed
And after Sonic and Shadow are done, Can I pet sonics Ear, I gonna make him purr

Shadow: ...what

Silver: I don't know. I have to dig outta my grave the last time I told Shadow something bad

Sonic: ...seriously?

Silver: You have to spend at least 40 days without water. I was thristy

Shadow: Screw it

Sonic: Man I do wish she just accidentally wrecked her camera...don't ever watch that

Shadow: Eh no thanks, I've had enough cringing for one day

Sonic: Listen to Silver's cringe story, I might get my job back as a grave digger

Silver: You're a gravedigger?

Sonic: Before I became Sonic. I was once Morris 'Orris. Gravedigging was my specialty and I've been one of those witnesses if the zombie apocalypse

Shadow: Share your side of story Silver

Silver: Nyeh fine then. The last ten days or chapters you've been doing...paranormal things

Shadow: Like?

Silver: Remember that one potion that one commenter dared you to drink? Actually that's a love a potion, whoever you saw first, you fell in love with?

Shadow: Did me and my gun married?

Silver: wanted to propose a marriage to Sonic and have sex with him

Sonic: And my life

Shadow: Seriously? I tried to kiss him, cuddle him, marry him, screw the rules with him and most of all, sex with him?

Sonic: And my life harder I'm ashamed I ever become your friend Shadow

Shadow: Don't worry Silver, you won't be going to the grave

Silver: Phew!

Shadow: Sonic get ready to write your will because you're going to a one way trip to hell, I mean heaven

Sonic: I like clouds, heaven, Angels. But I don't wanna be the first to die!

Shadow: I'd also want to cosplay but this dare consist of making sex too. So I'm gonna find whoever made that dare, and kill him

SaneCookies: I would have to object to that. So no roleplaying?

Silver: I think so not. Shadow isn't his 'inlove-with-Sonikku' self now

Shadow: Hey!

Sonic: To make this a comic relief with no violence. I'll be Jerry and you'll be Tom. And we go around the room chasing each other, you holding your gun and I make booby traps. In a count of three...

Shadow: *prepares shotgun* I don't have seconds

Sonic: *shrugs* I can't wait too, just like they say, you can't ditch your own catchphrase...GOTTA GO FAST! *runs away!*

Shadow: Get back here you obnoxious hedgehog! *follows*

Silver: Hugs! *hugs SC*

SaneCookies: Yippee! Wait haven't Shadow realized he can just teleport?

Silver: Shush, it's both their dream to be featured on tv as Tom and Jerry. They call it, the "Shad and Sony" show

SaneCookies: Oookay?

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