King Bach & Knave

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Can caliber(whatever you spell it) in here for 20 dares XD
All three: who's better
Marlon webb
King bach

Sonic: King Bach! <3

Shadow: Tch. Marlon Webb's better.

Sonic: No! Bach!

Shadow: Webb!

Sonic: Bach!

Shadow: Webb!

Both: *looks at Silver* Who do you pick?!

Silver: ^~^; I don't know who you two are talking about. I'm from the future for Chaos' sake!

Sonic: Dude, you've been here for a like, two or three years now. You should know who we're talking about.

Shadow: I say you choose Marlon Webb.

Sonic: No! King Bach!

Silver: @~@ Why do I stay with these two?

Caliber: What in the name of Camelot am I doing here?

Sonic: Oh hai letter opener! You should choose King Bach!

Caliber: You significant Knave?!

Shadow: Tch, things just got more interesting.

Caliber: Sir Lancelot? Is that you, and is that Sir Galahad?

Silver: Now who is Galahad?!

Sonic: Ahehe ^^; Caliber, these three are my friends. Shadow is the one who you call Lancelot, the Galahad looking guy is Silver. And this is Chip!

Chip: Hi!

Caliber: My, my. You are all interesting, except for Knave of course.

Sonic: Do you have to really call me Knave?!

Shadow: Knave... Hmm... I like the nickname. Knave.

Sonic: -_-

Silver: So... What's this tlaking talking sword?

Caliber: Sword? Who you calling sword? I'm the sacred sword Caliber! I'm the one--

Sonic: Whose bearer is worthy of the crown yada, yada, yada.

Caliber: You are a disgrace majesty!

Silver: So wait... Sonic's King Arthur?!

Shadow: Oh hell n--

Sonic: Bow down you peasants! I am King! >:D

Shadow: Marlon Webb!

Sonic: I am King Arthir and you shall do as I say. You choose King Bach!

Shadow: I'll call you Knave the Hegdehog anyway >:)

Sonic: -_- Gee I suddenly remember Lancelot calling me that.

Shadow: Knave the Hedgehog?~

Sonic: Gah! *grabs Caliber and aims at Shadow*

Caliber: Nooooo!

Shadow: *teleports away*

Sonic: I told you! I am King and you shall choose King Bach!

Shadow: Knave the hedgehog!

Silver: Who the hell are you tlaking about?!

Chip: *wears shades like a boss* AIRHORNS! *blows airhorns everywhere*

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