Silver da annoying

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I dare sonic to act like squid ward and for silver to act like spongebob. Lol

Sonic: (-.-) Really?

Silver: *does Spongebob's laugh* Tae-ya-ya-ya-ya! (Idk if it sounds like this)

Shadow: *wears shades* Gonna post his on MobianTube.

Sonic: Fine! *does Squidward's annoying voice* Silver! Stop laughing you're annoying the hell out of me.

Silver: I wanna play Jellyfish! Come on Grumpsto McGrumpypants!

Chip: I just noticed. When did Silver act like Sonic?

Shadow: In a matter of fact... Yeah.

Sonic: No way.

Silver: *annoys the hell out of him* Pretty please with peanut butter and jellyfish on top? Pretty, pretty please?

Sonic: Could you'd stop that. Ugh! I can't do this anymore! I'm leaving! *storms off*

Shadow: (O.o) Um Sonic, you do know you just acted like Squidward before you were even dared to be Squidward.

Silver: IMAGINATION!!! *lets out Rainbow out of his palms*
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Shadow: (−_−;)F*ck it got into his head.

Silver: *does weird Spongebob acts* *goes to Chip* Hey Gary! You need to eat your snail Food!

Chip: (-_-) Do I look like a snail and sound like a cat to you?

Silver: Most likely?

Chip: I'm a little looking dog and I don't sound like anything except being human!

Shadow: Wait... You're a human dog?

Chip: No, I'm Light Gaia!

Silver: But you just said you're a dog.

Shadow: Silver quit the SpongeBob acting it's annoying as hell *bish slaps him*

Silver: *gets slapped* *back to himself* Hey! What did I do?!

Shadow: Nothing, just wanted to slap you. (>:3)

Silver: *caresses cheeks* Ow. *glares*

Shadow: *glares back*

Chip: I'm sure Sonic will win this glaring con—

Shadow & Silver: Shut up Chip!

Chip: O-okay... (;-;)

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