Fire breaker

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Who's the best cuddled?
I dare you all to act like children, and play in a playground. Invite Tails too. ;)

I dare sonic to kiss shadow

Shadow to kiss silver

And silver kiss a lamp.

Imagine them doing this XD

Sonic: Best...what?

Silver: Whew! Good thing the black dye removed that easily

Shadow: Do we have to act like children? I mean, Sonic and Silver are already like children

Sonic & Silver: Hmph!

Somebody: Says the one who's supposed to be a grandpa!

Shadow: ònó

Sonic:'ll be fun since Tails is coming over!

Shadow: Psh...that kit's have a much greater IQ than you

Sonic: That's an insult...

Tails: Uh, hi?

Sonic: Hey buddy. So this is a dare we gotta do for the folks. Are you up to being a kid again?

Tails: Sonic, I'm actually a kid. I just have a bigger IQ than everyone ease around here

Silver: Ouch

Tails: Aside from Eggman...

Silver: Kids time! *snaps fingers and teleports them to thy playground!*

Sonic: Race ya to the slide, faker! One who doesn't get first, is Eggman's son! *races first*

Shadow: Hmph! Not fair! *catches up*

Silver: *swings on swings haha lol* WHEEE!!!

Tails: I wanna go to the seesaw

Silver: Lemme help you there! *goes to seesaw with Tails*

Both: *seesawing*

Sonic & Shadow: *arguing on whether who slides first*

Sonic: Hey! I got here first!

Shadow: Heh! You were just too slow behind, maybe your blind to see that I was first!

Sonic: Cheater!

Shadow: Cocky!

Sonic: Emo!

Shadow: Show-off!

Sonic: Grandpa!

Shadow: Baby!

Sonic: Loner!

Shadow: ...

Sonic: What?

Shadow: I'll kill you! *shoves him*

Sonic: H-hey, we'll fall! *stumbles*

Both: *falls or slides down* Aaaaahhhhh!

Tails: They look like kids...

Silver: I'd like to say more...they look like idiotic kids

Tails: Hahaha yeah

-----Few minutes later~-----

Tails: Ok, I see now... Everyone who's seeing this, I don't even know if you can imagine this one

Shadow: ò///ó you've got to be effingg kidding me!

Sonic: Wow, Shadow had censored his own words!

Shadow: Eff!

Silver: Do we really have to do this one too?

Tails: *shrugs* I don't know. Even if you don't like to do these dares, you never back down anyway

Shadow: I—

Tails: Alright go!

Sonic: *kisses Shadow's back*

Shadow: *kisses Silver's back*

Silver: *kisses a lamp post cuz why not?*

Tails: *laughs at the scene*

Sonic: Bleh! His back tastes like old milk shake!

Shadow: What?! You licked my back?!

Sonic: I didn't–

Shadow: *uppercuts him*

Sonic: *flies in the air*

Shadow: Also Silver...why does your back smell like mint?

Silver: *sweats nervously* Uh...


Silver: *takin a bath bc he's not like Sonic* Doop Dee doo

Silver: *reaches out for hedgehog shampoo* *accidentally hits the mint body gel thingy* Ah! *mint body gel spills on him*

Silver: >~< ! Ahh!


Silver: I dunno whut you talkin 'bout

Shadow: -.- okay?

Sonic: *crashes down to the ground like a meteor* Ah! *is on fire* I'm on fire! Ahh! *runs around burning everything*

Tails: Oh no!

Shadow: Sonic!

Silver: ;~;

Sonic: Help! Help! Help!

Shadow: *teleports away*

Silver: He left us to die! How cruel!

Tails: *have mental block cuz...pfff idk why*

Shadow: *goes back holding 2 buckets of water*

Sonic: Holy moly not water! *runs away*

Shadow: Get the *beep!* back here you *beeep!* hedgehog! *runs after him not spilling the water miraculously*

Silver: Ey! What about the house!

Tails: *still in the situation he is in*

Silver: Aahhh! Oh wait, I have telekinesis *facepalms self* Good job me *moves the fire with his power of TELEKINESIS*

Silver: I remember and miss Blaze :(

Shadow: *comes back carrying a very wet Sonic on his shoulder*

Sonic: Damn you Shadow! I hate this! I'm not a lady! Drop me!

Shadow: Okay *drops him*

Sonic: Ah! Oof! *rubs poor butt-kun ;-;* You could've done it gentler

Shadow: You're not a woman

Sonic: Meanie

Silver: uh where do I throw this fire?

Shadow: The neighbor's house

Tails: That's cruel!

Silver: You said my line

Shadow: Whatever it looks abandoned

Sonic: *still dizzy*

Silver: *shrugs* *throws fire out da window*

Tails: *gasps*

Shadow: Now that's done *continues to smell minty Silver*

Silver: *runs away from him* Aaahh! Stop sniffing me!

Shadow: Get back here! *chases him*

Tails: Kids these days *helps Sonic up*

Sonic: *shivering of coldness*

Tails: Wow you really are so wet

Sonic: Y-ya think?!

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