Sonic da Mr. Obvious Sarcaster

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Hmm. I haven't done anything for a while. Lemme see.
Shadow: I dare you to hike up Mt. Everest, carrying your symbol on flag, and plant your flag at the top and say: "This Belongs To The Ultimate Mountain Climber!"
Sonic; I le dare chu to watch the most cringyest thing you can think of
Silver: hi me! anyway you get some chocolate because heck why not? And you must run thirteen laps around a track. No flying!
Chip: I give you some ice cream of your choice! Stay awesome!
That's all!
Can they do the team rocket intro XD

Sonic: Well. We could do that.

Silver: Hello to you too me! *waves like a maniac* Thanks for the chocolate bruh! *still wears dem shades*

Shadow: Hurry up, let's just do the intro I'm gonna be late for my flight to Mt. Everest.

Silver: Don't you just teleport?

Shadow: *inhales sharply* *glares at him* Yes, I know. Don't call me stupid.

_._._waiting for technical responses_._._
Sonic: *wearing Jessie's suit* (-_-) Do I have to be Jessie?

Shadow: *wearing Jame's suit* Yes you have to. I'm evil so deal with it.

Sonic: Why can't I be James and you to be Jessie?!

Silver: *fake coughs*

Sonic: (-3-) Fine.

Silver: Just get on with it.

Sonic: *sighs* *imagine him in Jessie's voice* Prepare for trouble!

Shadow: *imagine him in Jame's voice* And make it double!

Sonic: *twirls around* To protect the world from devastation!

Shadow: *twirls the opposite* To unite the people within our nation!

Sonic: *holds blue rose* To denounce the evils of truth and love~ *throws it*

Shadow: *holds red rose* To extend our reach to the stars above!~ *throws it too*

Sonic: *dramatic pose* Sonic!

Shadow: *dramatic pose also* Shadow!

Sonic: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of sound!

Shadow: It's supposed to be light! Not sound!

Sonic: Well, I'm the one who's saying it, so I say what I want it to be. *sticks tongue*

Shadow: (-_-) Why did I ever worked with you.

Silver: You just ruined the Pokemon mood! (D:)

Shadow: *clears throat*

Sonic: Fine... Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

Shadow: Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Chip: *in Meowth suit* Meowth, that's right!

Silver: *in Wobuffet* Wobuffet! (:3)

Sonic: You two seriously have to be Meowth and Wobuffet.

Silver: Yeah... And its still weird that you have Jessie's voice though.

Sonic: Darn. *Jessie Voice Mode Off*

Shadow: *James Voice Mode Off* Blech... That James voice is Weird.

Sonic: *takes off clothes* That was too revealing. Rouge could be a better Jessie ya know.

Shadow: Bye, I have some mountain to climb on. Goodbye Amigos. *disappears*

Silver: He speaks Spanish?!

Sonic: No, he speaks Russian.

Silver: (-.-) What did I ever do to you?

Sonic: You gotta take note of the sarcasm sometime Silv. Whelp, gotta go and watch some try not to cringe vids. As revour! *goes to another room*

Silver: Do I have to run?! (D:) You do know I can't run that fast with my metal like boots!

Chip: You gotta go pal.

Silver: Fine. *starts running 13 laps* I HATE EVERYONE! ITS NO USE!

Chip: *licks ice cream* *has shades on* Chocolate Sundae Supreme is still my bae <3

###Meanwhile at Mt. Everest###

Shadow: *is climbing to da top* Almost... There... *is on top* Woohoo! I'm on da top motherf—! I can reach the heavens! Oh wait. *lets out his flag symbol* *plants it on top*

People who tried to climb: Is that a hedgehog?! I've never seen anything like it!

Shadow: *looks down* This belongs to the Ultimate Climber you b.tch.s! Bow down to your new ruler!

People: I think he has taken it way too far.

Shadow: Maria! I can reach you! *tries to reach the sky* *gets hit by flying snowball* *faints* *drops empty bottle of whiskey*

Penguin: Whoa, that guy is drunk.

People: This couldn't get any weirder.

###Back to Studio###

Silver: *reaches 7 laps* I... Can't... Run... Anymore!

Sonic: *is still cringing as usual* I promised my self last day I won't cringe anymore. But I just did.

Chip: *is alseep*

Silver: Gah! Why did they ever designed me to wear metallic boots?!

Sonic: Uhh... Because you're from the future. Duh.

Silver: (-.-) Alright Mr. Obvious.

Sonic: (>:3)

Should I make a Sonic Characters Texting???

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