MnMs under dem pillow

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Oh! Oh! I dare le fabulous me *puffs out chest* to go on a one day vacation to the Badlands. Because I'm great like that!
2. Chippy! I dare you to stuff M&Ms in Sonic's pillows and see his reaction. You must get hurt!

Silver: *packs things up* Bye bye cruel room! I'm going for a day vacay to the Badlands! So long!

Chip: Bye Silver!

Silver: Take care of Sanic for me! (;3)

Sonic: *arms crossed* Hmph.

Chip: The side effects finally got its target. *facepalms* I don't know how to deal with this anymore.

Silver: Oh well, bye! *leaves* Whew, I wouldn't have to spend a day with Sonic the Grumpyhog. *flies away*

Chip: Okay.

Sonic: *narrows eyes at him*

Chip: (o~o;)

Sonic: *does eye to eye motion*

Chip: I wish you aren't that scary when you got Shadow's personality.

Sonic: I do wish this wears off... I F*CKING HATE THIS!!!

Chip: (030;;) And as the personality kicks in, Shadow's cursing kicks in. *flies to Sonic's room*

*In da room*

Chip: *wipes sweat* Whew! Done and done! All of the treats are in his pillow and—

Sonic: *comes in* *yawning*

Chip: Uhh... H-Hi! Sonic!

Sonic: Chip...?

Chip: *smiles sheepishly*

Sonic: *goes on bed* *feels pillow* What? *looks inside*
(Inner Sonic persona: Am I dreaming?! This is one of the best things someone ever has done to meh!)

Chip: *sweatdrops* *blushes* *shaking*

Sonic: *goes over to Chip*

Chip: Uhh...

Sonic: *bows* Arigato Gozaimas... *goes back to bed* *sleeps while eating M&Ms*

Chip: (0-0) That wasn't as I was expecting. *checks under da bed* *sees Ak-47 & a note* Do not steal my precious M&Ms... Uhh...

Sonic: Don't try to Chip.

###At the Badlands###

Silver: Being alone and no one to order me what to do. *breathes in* *breathes out* Ahh... This is the life! (:D)

Camera: (-o-)

Silver: *sees camera* What the-?!

Camera: I'm just a nobody...?

I can't picture how Sonic have Shadz personality XD
Maybe dare they all change personalities...?
And the Cmaera has come back! To stalk once again!

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