Ur not supposed to piss him off

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I dare sonic shadow and silver to play their Faviorite and least Faviorite sonic game and comment on them

I dare sonic to annoy shadow as much as possible.

Sonic: *laughs authentically*

Silver: e.e Sonic why are you laughing like that?

Sonic: Nothing

Shadow: Oh gee I don't know which sonic game I'll play, they're all crap anyway

Sonic: Hey! At least pick one game you'll play and probably out all your rants into it

Silver: Mm...I don't really have a favorite. But this one game I want to see is Sonic Adventure 2. People said this game was awesome

Sonic: Imma try out Sonic Colors I think.

Silver: I'll just play...my own game

Sonic: Pfffffffphwha what?

Shadow: Don't 'what' me there hedgehog. Almost all of your games are yours and you are playing one of your OWN games so I'm not touching any of YOUR games. I think they would ruin my coolness

Silver: Ohhhhh

Sonic: -.-

Shadow: Let us now start, shall we?

-.-.-A few walkthroughs later-.-.-

Sonic: That was thrilling! Also playing with a console is so much fun! But experiencing it is much better

Silver: Whoa, it's true what people says. This game is the best! Not only that this was the proof of Sonic and Shadow's rivalry...it's thrilling!

Sonic: Why thank you very much

Shadow: I still enjoyed that one time when I stole the chaos emerald, and people thought of me as you and framed you. Then you got to prison

Sonic: And I remembered beating your smugly look

Silver: We are at it again with the smugly huh?

Sonic: Technically he is

Shadow: Hmph!

Silver: *sweatdrops* Well what about you Shadow? Your comment on your game?

Shadow: Hm... I can't believe they even captured that part about Black Doom. That is supposed to be a Bloody secret but then...we're technically made from Sega so...dkekcnfnfnvn. But I find the game an amusement and nothing more...except the guns are quiet amazing really

Sonic: I should suggest this to you earlier but you should try to play Sonic and the Black Knight. You'll see a badass surprisement there.

Shadow: ... I'll... I'll keep your word for it

Silver: Someone's interested

Shadow: I'm not, it just sounds interesting... oh

Sonic: Ran out of vocabulary?

Shadow: Let's just do the second one

Sonic: Oh I am already doing that honey

Shadow: What

Silver: Sonic will try to annoy you

Shadow: That's why I feel steam in my ears

Sonic: You are piping hot smugly

Shadow: At least I'm hotter than you

Sonic: Well... I'm faster than you so deal with it! *sticks out tongue*

Shadow: *chuckles* You are still not informed that there is someone much faster than you. And it isn't me. Infinite

Sonic: *grits teeth* Infinite-ly pain in the .ss

Shadow: Someone's envious

Sonic: At least I wasn't the one who pissed him off and in return you made a monster and made replicas of you...like some kind of...androids!

Shadow: ... What. Did. You. Just. Say?!

Silver: Uh oh. This ain't good, Sonic you're only going to annoy him! Not piss him off!

Sonic: I can't think of any come back! And I don't want to be the one ended up as the annoyed one!

Shadow: You damn sonovabeach!

Sonic: Is it my cue to run?p

Silver: Probably

Shadow: *teleports to him*

Sonic: *dodges punch and runs away*

Silver: Uh....

Too lazy to continue so...evil cliffhanger! >:D with no continuation >:)

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