Silver w/o powers

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Don't worry Silvs they'll come back soon huehuehue it's a bit longer tho <v<
Anywho! Since Christmas is on its way soon why don't you guys start setting up decorations!
Also a dare for Silver, I dare you to stop using your powers for 24 hours >:3

Sonic: Don't worry! We'll set up sooner and invite a lot of our friends here for the reunion Christmas party! We also need Rouge though

Silver: Nooooo! Why?! My life long dream! Ruined!!!

Sonic: -_- I know how that feels Silvs but stop copying what I'm saying the other day

Shadow: o3O Alrighty then

Silver: *sniffs* Then how am I supposed to help out in the decorations, if I don't have mah powers?!

Shadow: You can still help out on decorating Silver! You have arms and legs right?

Silver: Yeah?

Shadow: *slaps him* Yeah you have those. Use those limbs you have in decorating, no time for being a lazy bone!

Silver: *rubs cheek* -3- Ow don't have to be rude about it

Sonic: Speaking of that. Silver's right Shadow, you should be nice to all of us now since Christmas is coming 030

Shadow: -.-" I don't think of that

Silver: Come on! I'm gonna suffer for a day to have no powers and you have to also suffer for a day to be at least nice to us!

Shadow: ._." Okay?

Sonic: Now since Silver got ain't any powers no more, how about a little race?

Silver: -_- Oh not that now

Sonic: ;) Well then. 3,2,1... Gooo! *speeds off*

Shadow: *speeds off too*

Silver: *whines* Come only you guys! You know I can't race with you because my boots are made of metal!!!

Slenderman: Your going to be fine Silver! *slaps his back*

Silver: Ow ;-; Mr. Faceless delivery guy

Slenderman: ;3

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