Just a side note

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Sonic: *adjusts camera* Hey there guys. Going to tell you its just me in this very room roght now. The two hedgehogs are somewhere roghtt now and I'm here to deliver a message coning from the admin themselves.

Sonic: They told me to deliver to you guys so am gonna say it. There have been a lot of dares and asks coming up, but mostly dares. So then we're not gonna frequesbtly be "on" by this week because of having... Exams by this coming Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Yep you heard, even Saturday.

Sonic: Eventually the admin will not be on maybe until tomorrow until Saturday or so. So the dares that you deliver are much more and some will be delayed, some will rish up to this time so don't get disappointed of your first dare wasn't here cause the admin's rushing ^^

Sonic: Anywho in fact here thanks you for all thr support and hope you all understand what we've been going in through. The admin's gonna suffer a lot from the exams for this year so better far pray for them and let them live. Just kidding but seriously.

Sonic: I betcha some of you won't read this but I won't force you from not reading this. Lastly I'd like to say, have a good day/night everyone!!! *smiles & waves* *turns off camera*

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