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Okay ( i always wanted to make this (sort of) dare)
I dare you guys to babysit Ava while Tess and Hazen are gone

Also a question for Sonic! How many people did you kill? Since your still a Yandere and all,

Sonic: Wait what I killed somebody?!

Shadow: No damn idiot. You killed everyone.

Sonic: ToT

Silver: Yeah sort of. Well actually when Sonic here became a Yandere, is that what you call? He didn't quiet remember what happened and his killing advantage took over him.

Sonic: Why?!

Shadow: I actually counted the times he has killed... *counts fingers* yep, he killed two dozens of people, including Manic who hides in this room.

Sonic: Nooooooooo!!!!!! *breaksdown* WHY??????????

Silver: So Tess is letting us babysit her baby! Where is she anyway?

Sonic: Look I found her on the couch!

Shadow: On the couch? How did that...

Silver: Don't go near her Sonic! You might kill her too! *uses telekinesis to get her*

Sonic: I ain't a killer anymore!

Shadow: So this is their baby?

Silver: Ava just looks like her mother. And I'm his uncle :'>

Shadow: What do baby hedgehogs eat?

Sonic: Poop?

Silver: Eew Sonic.

Sonic: -n-"

Shadow: Well I know how to take care of a baby so I'll get her some baby food. *goes get some*

Silver: And I'll play with her!

Sonic: Can I just go near her?

Silver: Fine. But no of those knives and the scary looks.

Sonic: I PROMISE :)

Silver: Good, I'll just get her some baby toys! *flies away*

Minutes later~

Silver: Am baaaack! *drops groceries* What the?-

Sonic: *covered in red stuff and Ava lying down on his lap* No it's not what you are thinking!

Silver: You killed Tess' only baby! No!

Shadow: *comes in covered in red stuff too* Eew the tomato sauce explodes all over the room

Silver: What?!

Ava: *jumps up* Aba!

Silver: *eye twitches* *faints*

Sonic: Well that was a long story.

Shadow: He really thought you killed her.

Sonic: I wouldn't kill any innocent babies!

Shadow: Silver needs some rest though

Ava: :P

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