Dares! Surprise!

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Since i like all three of you i will be nice.
Sonic i dare u to let sonic.exe kill u then i will bring you back to life so shadow can dump u in the ocean.
Shadow i dare you to kill each one of ur weapons and not use them for 20 dares n to give silver all the chaos emerald.
Silver i dare u to eat as much cake as you can n give shadow a wedgie :3
Dare for sonic and shadow- i dare u two for u to NOT kill silver for the next year
Silver n shadow I dare u to give meh a hug!

Sonic: *still yandere* This nuisance can't kill me!

S.Exe: I can so you know. I'm a GOD

Sonic: Hell naw I won't let you! I'll just stab you with a—

S.Exe: Too late. You're to slow >:) *kills him with claws*

Sonic: *dead*

Electric: Revive *revives him*

Sonic: I'm alive!

S.Exe: Aww... I was just having fun on killing.

Sonic: Hey that was just supposed to be my job!

S.Exe: Tch... You're just some yandere person which can temporarily come off

Sonic: Why you—

Shadow: *carries him*

Sonic: Shadow the Hedgehog put me down this instant! I'll stab you with a knife I found under your bed!!!

Shadow: o.O *teleports to the ocean*

Sonic: *sees water* Okay now. Shadow put me down gently on somewhere dry and safe now. We can make a deal with this.

Shadow: I don't take bets on people. Especially from you! *dumps him in*

Sonic: *splashes in the water* GAH!

Shadow: Heh *teleports away*

Sonic: I swear I'll get you for this you imbecile hedgehog!!!

Shadow: *comes back to da room* Do I have to break all my weapons?

Silver: Yep every single one of them. From the first to the last.

Shadow: Come on! Even the memorable AK-47 I used in Shadow the Hedgehog?

Silver: *rolls eyes* Yes! Nothing left!

Shadow: TnT I luv you all my guns and knives and stuff *obliterates them* Huhu I luv you all next to my kitty cats and Swiss rolls including Maria

Silver: o.O Wut???

Shadow: -3-

Silver: Now hand me those lovely jewels of yours ;3~

Shadow: You sound like Rouge

Silver: Just give them to me

Shadow: *throws to him*

Silver: *takes them* Thank you very much! Now le cake! *eats many cakes as possible* :3 I luv u cakes

Shadow: >.>", >~<

Silver: *while eating cake* *puts a brief on Shadow*

Shadow: Hey what the--

Silver: *uses telekinesis* Wedgie time!

Shadow: Oooouuuuiiiiiii!!!!!!!!

Sonic: *gets back very wet* *have evil glare in his eyes* Guys my hands hunger for stabbing and slaughtering here

Silver: Not so fast! I p've been lucky! No killing spree for meh! :3 *holds necklace and smiles* Thanks for this dare Electric and for the necklace protection MaryAnnStar!!!

Sonic: Come on!

Shadow: Last and not the least. But it's the least which is obvious

Silver: Yeah

Both: *gives Electric-the-hedgie a hug!!!*

Sonic: *glares*

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