Face Humiliation

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Me: Shadow I have a "great" dare for you, it isn't the fact that you called me a Him either. I dare you to go to the highest Building and Throw all your guns off it, then sing 'pink fluffy unicorns dancing on Rainbows' sonic I have a Dare for you took you have to Dance like a Monkey for 20 minutes while Silver records it. Then Silver, I dare you to take this Pill *coughs* Knock out pill *coughs* *gives you the pill* Have fun all of you

Sonic,Shadow,Silver get ready cause i dare you all watch " Assasination classroom " !

Shadow: Okay..? Well, I didn't know you were a her

Silver: Shadow stop picking a fight. Didn't you know almost all of the population of Wattpad writers here are females? Also it makes you more less to be a male hedgehog

Shadow: Hmph. Why does people want me throw my guns away? I always have 'Infinite' guns coming from where I am working now

Sonic: You know, darers says the craziest dares...also your next one is to dance..*tries to hold laugh* that one meme song

Silver: ...what are MEMES?

Sonic: Well—

Shadow: Stop. *sighs* Fiiine... *goes to do dare*

Sonic: Do I seriously have to dance like a monkey? And Silver, once again, record it?

Silver: :P the camera's ready

Sonic: Could we just short it into 10 minutes?

Silver: What? Can't hear you

Sonic: -_-

Shadow: I'm back from throwing my guns off the building which will surely create a bit of explosions from the city because of those gunpowder in them

Silver: Oookay?


Shadow: Hmm...this building is tall enough to throw my guns off *gets guns*

Shadow: They're all old and used up anyway *shrugs*

Shadow: ō__ō *throws down guns off da building*

Some guy: Ahh! It's raining guns!

Some guy #2: Ahhh! Gunpowder and explosions!

Some guy #3: AHHH! FREE GUNS!

Boom boom EXPLOSIIOOONNSSS WAHHHH (I don't quiet have the imagination XD)

_-End of Flashback-_

Sonic: Now sing!

Shadow: I'll–

Sonic: *glowers* Face the humiliation, Faker.

Shadow: -_-# *sighs* ....

Shadow: Pink fluffy unicorns! Dancing on rainbows! Oh wow I love them! *sparkles*
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Sonic & Silver: Bahahahaha!

Shadow: òAó *pulls out a gun and tries to shoot 'em*

Sonic & Silver: Ack! *tries to dodge them*

Shadow: Sonic! Now you face humiliation!

Sonic: Hmph! Kill joy!

Silver: Thy camera's ready~

Sonic: *pouts* Can't I skip this one?

Both: Never!

Sonic: Ugh. Fine!

Silver: *turns recorder on*

Sonic: *starts dancing like a monkey for...20+ minutes and he doesn't even realize it*

Sonic: Hey! I think 20 minutes passed and I should stop!

Silver: Nope. Keep going. You're doing good.

Shadow: Hehe, yeah.

Sonic: *pounces onto Silver*

Silver: Nooo! *drops camera*

Camera: Silver-senpai!

Silver: Camera-kun!

Camera: *drops and break on ground*

Silver: >o< Noooo!

Sonic & Shadow: . . . . .

Sonic: Erm...we can all forget about the stalking camera and watch this, Assasination classroom?

Silver: T-T

Shadow: Guess not

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