Suicidal deathnote before next chapter

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I dare the three of you to wears a Japanese yukata! :3
(Amy wears a kimono btw)
Can you change sonics personality to shadows for 20 dares this will kill me becuz am gonna laugh so hard

Silver: What's a yukata?

Sonic: It's a traditional Japanese clothing made from Japan and traditionally worn by men. And thanks Amy for buying them before we even know we have to wear them. (^-^")

Amy: Your welcome!

###Moments later###

Sonic: This is pretty neat!

Silver: *stares at iPad* *looks at Sonic* *looks back at iPad*

Sonic: What's the matter Silv.

Silver: (>~>;;) Uhh... You're gonna have to have the personality of Shadow for... At least 20 dares.

Sonic: Huh?!

Silver: And I don't want to deal with two Shadow's around anymore. *grumbles* It's hard to deal with someone whose as emo as him!

Sonic: I won't be Shadow today!

Chip: Hey Sonic! Eat this! *gives chilidog*

Sonic: Ooh thanks! *eats it* This is delicious... And a bit weird.

Chip: Admin cooked that for you. Cause you know, she put something there to make your personality become like Shadow's the next chapter. It have some sleepy side effects before you wake up in your next chapter.

Sonic: Wha? *faints* *sleeps*

Silver: *starts writing a suicidal note in Japanese* デアrチャオsplエア瀬へlpメスrぱっsてぃしはゔぇとはんごうtうぃth2赭土w手ェへgで干さん痔マウスrぱっsてぃそりしゃっlぢえともっろwーしgねd市lゔぇr手ェHDDゲホが (didn't have much time to study Japanese writing but I guess I tried. No offense to those Japanese readers and those who know what I'm saying here)

Chip: ( ;'Д`)

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