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Me:So I have a dare. This is the third dare. I dare Sonic to do something mysterious, serious things that everyone will not know.
Also, Silver, you lazy one, I dare ya to babysit Ava for 4 hours, well, without hurting her. (I love you cutie Ava.)
Shadow, uh, YANDERE SIMULATOR!!! Just joking, I dare ya to use the necklace I give you in the other chapter and strung it as fast as you can to struck Sonic in lasers.

Sonic: *looks around* I'm just gonna go do something... Everyone. *eyes them* *goes out da room*

Steel: Uh... What just happened?

Silver: D: Am not lazeh! But thanks for he offer bub :3 I'm her real uncle and am gonna babysit her proud with pride! And am not gonna hurt her ya know! ;3 *carries Ava like from the Lion King*

Ava: O.O Uncle Silvy Wut the heck r u doing?!


Ava: >^< Uncle sTAHP!!!!

Steel: *facepalms* His sanity is long lost gone

Shadow: *eyes narrows* Uh huh. Dun't make me do any simulator games anymore. Well then *holds necklace*

Sonic: *comes back wearing red vest and holding a bag of bank money*

Scourge & Sanctum: o.O o-O

Scourge: What did you just do Sonic?

Sonic: *looks up* Huh? Oh nothing :)

Shadow: *strums the guitar necklace*

Sonic: Whoa! *bag gets hit by laser, money falling out*

Silver: *stops swaying Ava* You stole money... From the BANK?!

Sonic: *puts hand on hips* What? It's my life dude.

Scourge: He sure does not sound like Sonic though

Sonic: What? Why?

Steel: Ō-Ō *uses telekinesis to hold him*

Sonic: Hey!

Shadow: Now let's see... *does something to him*

Ava: O-O!!!

Shadow: And he's.... Manic?! The actual damn?!

Manic: *makes peace sign* Sorry dudes. Sonic tells me so. And it's his fault -3- I didn't stole the money tho. He did.

Sanctum: o.O

Silver: Where is he then?

Manic: *points out the door*

Everyone: *peeks out*

Sonic: *asleep* *hugging chili dogs* My sweet little babies~

Everyone: O_O

Manic: Yep.

Ava: D:< I shall call for VENGEANCE!!!

Silver: What da... Ava!

Ava: YA! *attacks them*

Scourge: Sheesh this kid is as strong as her father!

Sanctum: I can't believe Hazen's genes are in her

Shadow: But her mother says she's a sweet child too ya know. We surpassed the suffer of Ava so now it's your turn ôvô *drinks coffee*

Steel: Damn you pothead

Silver: Damn you too fernhead

Chili dogs: O3o Okay???

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