"I'm your father"

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Ginger-The_Cat: I dare Mr. Sonic to be a Yandere! *evils Smirk*
And Question for Mr. Silver Do you believe your father is shadow??

Silver: To be honest with you.... I don't believe it. In some way you must have mistaken.

Shadow: Here we go.

Silver: In the game Sonic and the Black Knight, Shadow there is Lancelot and me, is Galahad. But we have different minds there and personalities. Perhaps there is an explanation to it.

Shadow: Pshh.... I kinda researches about it and there's a cannon that... GehI hate to say to you but.... You are me and Amy's... Son.

Silver: W-What?! That can't be... I mean I likes Amy before... Oops, did I just said that?! 0///0

Shadow: By the thought that me and and pink brat being together is kinda... Weird for me. First of all, I hate being shoved forward and being chased around. Second of all.... Where is Sonic?!

Silver: U-umm.....

Sonic: *comes out of nowhere hands with blood and a knife*

Shadow: What's happened to you?

Sonic: Nothing.... Yet.

Silver: W-What do you mean?

Sonic: Well... You two are gonna get my Senpai-chan away from me and I will not let you take it.

Shadow: Geez... Sonic calm down!

Sonic: I don't trust you guys! *chases them*

Both: AAHHH!

Shadow: What happened to Faker?!

Author: *pops out* I made a potion for him to be a killer.  A Yandere that is.

Shadow: We hate you author!

Author: I hate you too. *stocks out tongue and disappears*

Sonic: You won't get away with this!

(The title makes no sense with this :P but good news to our three hedgies! The Pokemon dare have worn off and they return back to their hedgehog selves! Well I enjoyed that dare though, FoxNinja360 -w-)

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