Next is SANCTUM >:3

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Two dares huehe!!! >;D
Sanctum What cha think about Alicia Acorn?
Yay! I dare Sanctum and Shadow to kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

Sanctum: A-Alicia? *blushes* W-well... I think of her as a beautiful person and....

Sonic: Wait, wait. Who is this "Alicia Acorn" you're talking about?

Scourge: You don't know?

Shadow: I don't know her either and even Silver.

Silver: Yep.

Steel: You bozzos are really bozzos.

Sanctum: You don't know her?! She's the most beautiful person I've ever met! Hat strong angle of her being fierce... Ahh....

Sonic: Seriously... Who is she?

Scourge: Eh... The Anti of Sally Acorn

Sonic: The actual FUUUUU?! Sally have a.... Oh. OH! I remember now. Yeah I think she slapped me on the cheek when we had a fight in the other dimension.

Silver: -3-" You seriously knew who she IS?!

Sonic: ^^" Ey that was a long time ago! I dunno how Scourge managed to get he throne of the Acorn Family in his dimension though.

Scourge: You're bringing out that you have been married to Princess Sally before?

Sonic: I— Damn no!

Steel: Kiss on now Sancy~ *uses telekinesis to kiss him to Shadow*

Sanctum: Hey! I only want to kiss my one and only Alicia!

Silver: o.O You think you can handle it?

Shadow: -__-" He is far more worse than all the other boys you forced me to kiss in this book. And to add, I hate you Silver for being the one who forces me.

Silver: ;3 You're welcome too~ *does the same*

Shadow: Wha the-?! Holy mother of Maria someone save meh!

Sonic:  Maria had a mother?! o.O

Shadow: Of course she have dammit! Where do you think she came from? Professor Gerald's womb?!

Silver: O3O Calm down now Shadow. Maria got nothing to do with this. Besides, she's watching you.

Sanctum: Let me out!

Steel: Nah ah! *lets him kiss Shadow*

Sanctum: O//.//O

Silver: *does same to Shadow*

Shadow: Ò//3//Ó

Scourge: Aww! It's adorable! You're actually a good kisser withh boys Sanc

Sonic: I ship it! Sancdow? Or uh... Shadtum? I dunno anymore

Steel: But the SonOurge still is very accurate tho

Silver: Yeah

Scourge: ò^ó really?!

Shadow: *pushes Sanctum and punches his gut*

Sanctum: Ow! Hey! *elbows his tummy*

Shadow: Oh it's on! *fights him*

Sanctum: Indeed *fights too*

Sonic: o^O I never thought that this kiss can get any worse.

Silver: Next is that they'll make out ÕwÕ

Steel & Scourge: o.O ō-Ô

Sonic: He is weird.

Ava: >:P They forgot about meh -3-"

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