Fastest beings alive

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Deadpool: I dare sonic to race the flash rainbow dash and other fast characters
The joker: I dare shadow to try spinjutsu and look it up if you need to know
Bill cypher: I dare silver to go back in time and talk with Walts Disney and them go a bot for word in time and talk to Hitler
Xana: I dare sonic shadow and silver to come to lyoko and fight my monsters
Pinkie pie: I dare sonic to fight jaden yuki in a game of duel monsters

Sonic: Good. As long as I don't get close to Shadow

Shadow: I'm cheering for you love!

Sonic: Sayonara suckers

Silver: He has spoken Japanese! :0

Chip: Technically...he does it a lot of times now

Sonic: So I'm gonna race with the fastest characters admin tells me about. So it's, the Flash, Rainbow dude, Foxy the Pirate, Superman, Ironman, Kid Flash.... Da f it's all DC comics characters except the others that I mentioned

The runners: Howdy

Sonic: 0-0 I'm still the fastest thing alive bish

Foxy: We' see 'bout tha' matey!

Rainbow Dash: I'm ready to make a Sonic Rainboom!

Sonic: Did you just merged Sonic Boom with Rainbow? How accurate

Rainbow Dash: -3-

Superman: This is such a childish petty race

Ironman: Sucks for you since ur old

Superman: What did you just said Tony?!

Ironman: I didn't said anything, Clark!

Sonic: -3- Don't reveal your real names to noobs

Kid Flash: Well...if I have anything to say in this

Flash: Wally!

Kid Flash: I thought the a sonic dude just said don't reveal our identities!

Sonic: Wait... There is another fast hero who is also a woman

Flash: Don't tell me it's--

Tracer: Hey loves, so what am I doin here?

Soldier 76: Just take care alright? (I'm so sorry, I just can't handle the urge...btw do u know Overwatch by any chance?)

Silver: 0-0 Is that Overwatch?

Tracer: Oh you lovely creatures... Really

Yugo: You forgot about meh! I'm the fastest Biker around my dimension!

Silver: Hey... You're that Pawn of Fusion right? :D

Yugo: It's Yugo! Not Fusion! F.CKING Y.U.G.O. YUGO!!!

Sonic: ^~^;; Should we begin racing?

All: Yeah

###After those five laps of racing of racing because admin lazy AF to do dis###

Shadow: Wth is spinjutsu

Silver: He currently just said "search it up"

Shadow: Tch, alright alright. *looks up dat*

Shadow: Oh. Um... I'll try

Silver: Seriously?

Shadow: For the sake of my love Sonic

Sonic: *panting* I AM NOT YOUR LOVE

Shadow: Denial

Silver: -.-

Kid Flash: Why can't I keep up?!

Tracer: U fast bros

Ironman: I feel hot

Superman: Oh really?

Ironman: suit's overheating and it BURNS ME

Foxy: Some one get de waturrr

Shadow: I'm coming in with mah SPINJUTSU TECHNIQUE. Go Ninjago! *spins around, bumping to everyone*

All: Hey!

Silver: Alleluia I'm going back in time! See you in three days! *teleports away*

Shadow: *faints because is dizzy*

Sonic: *looks around suspiciously* *carries him*

Yugo: Whatchu gonna do with him?

Sonic: I'm taking him in the closet

Kid Flash: OoO You're gonna do sex?!

Flash: Wally! Language! *slaps him*

Kid Flash: ;-; sorry

Sonic: -3- I'm trapping him inside bish *puts Shadow in closet like what Rapuzel did to Flynn*

###In da past###

Silver: So you made a bunch of characters... And made a main icon just by having a pet mouse?

Walts: Pretty much

Silver: Ypu do great and amazing thighs in the future!

Walts: Yeah... So you're from the future?

Silver: I just not reveal my identity butt I'm basically a fortune teller who looks futuristic. DUH

Walts: I invited Hitler to have a tea party

Silver: Wait... Doesn't Hitler hate British–


Silver: 0-0 You are a bad–

Walts: Shush I was forced to have a party with him

Hitler: What are you supposed to be? An anthropologinetic hedgehog whose supposed to change the past to save the future?


Hitler: Well then have tea with us... WHY DO WE HAVE BRITISH TEAS ONLY GERMAN I SAY

Walts: You wanna head back home?

Silver: T-T I hate WW2

###in the present###

Jaden (from YGO GX???): How, did you beat me?

Sonic: It's simple.... I used the power of teamwork!

Yugo: You just basically snatched my duel disc and... hOW THE F DID U KNOW HOW TO USE THAT EVEN OF U DONT KNOW MEEEEE

Sonic: Instincts of being a hero? You do know you two are from different categories of Yu Gi Oh right?

Yugo & Jaiden: Yu Gi Oh?

Sonic: I mean Duel Monsters! Damn it

Tracer: I remembered someone from the past who says he hates bRITISH TEA THATS YUMMY

Ironman: Must be Hitler?

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