The cupcake

476 19 2

Eat one of my (poison) cupcake


Shadow: Um... Okay? Is this anything or what?

Sonic: Just eat the food Shadow.

Silver: Must. Resist.

Shadow: o.Ô you okay Silver?

Silver: I-I'm... Fine... The cupcake.

Sonic: Um eat that already Shadz.

Shadow: Fine. *puts cupcake closer*

Silver: *eye twitches*

Shadow: *looks at him* Ah, ah.

Silver: *sweats* .~.

Sonic: ō.ō

Silver: I... Can't take it anymore! Eat cupcake! *snatches cupcake*

Shadow: o.O?

Silver: Mine. MINE! Hahahahaha!

Sonic: o~o *backs away*

Silver: *shoves cupcake in mouth* Uh. *faints* *le dead*

Sonic: Whoa what happened to him?!

Shadow: He ate the poison cupcake.

Sonic: What?!

Shadow: I know that is a poison cupcake. I just made Silver eat it. I never wanted cupcakes.

Silver: *mouth bubbles*

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